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Comparison of Height and DBH Growth Characteristics for Quercus acuta and Quercus serrata in Southern Korea 원문보기

농업생명과학연구 = Journal of agriculture & life science, v.49 no.6, 2015년, pp.19 - 26  

Park, Joon Hyung ,  Jung, Su Young ,  Yoo, Byung Oh ,  Ju, Nam Gyu ,  Lee, Kwang Soo ,  Park, Yong Bae ,  Kim, Hyungho

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (19)

  1. Byun JK , Kim YS , Yi MJ , Son YW , Kim CS , Jeong JH , Lee CY , Jeong YH (2007) Growth Response of Pinus densiflora, Larix leptolepis, Betula platyphylla var. japonica and Quercus acutissima Seedlings at Various Levels of Fertilization , J. Korean For. Soc, Vol.96 (6) ; pp.693-698 

  2. Cho YC , Kim JS , Lee JK , Lee HH , Ma HS , Lee CS , Cho HJ , Bae KH (2009) Early Responses of planted Quercus serrata Seedlings and Understory Vegetation to Artificial Gap Treatments in Black Locust Plantation , J. Korean For. Soc, Vol.98 (3) ; pp.94-105 

  3. Chung YG , Kim DH , Kim CM (2010) Development of Stem Profile and Taper Equation for Quercus acuta in Jeju Experiment Forests , J. Korean For. Soc, Vol.99 (1) ; pp.57-61 

  4. Kang JT , Park NC , Chung YG (2002) Effects of the Soil Properties on Growth of Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii and Dendropanax morbifera stands in Warm Temperate forest zone , J. Korean For. Soc, Vol.91 (6) ; pp.679-686 

  5. Kim JY , Lee JS , Oh KI , Jang SK , Park JH (2000) Community Ecological Study on the Quercus acuta Forests in Bogildo-Island , J. Korean For. Soc, Vol.89 (5) ; pp.618-629 

  6. Kim TW , Sung JH , Kwon TS , Chun JH , Shin MY (2013) Assessment of Productive Areas for Quercus acutissima by Ecoprovince in Korea Using Environmental Factors , J. Korean For. Soc, Vol.102 (3) ; pp.437-445 

  7. Korea Forest Research Institute(KFRI) (2013) Experimental Research Project for the Black Pine forest resources and Forest management in Southern region of Korea , KFRISeoul, ; pp.-97 

  8. Kwon KW , Cho MS , Kim GN , Lee SW , Jang KH (2009) Photosynthetic Characteristics and Growth performances of Containerized Seedling and Bare Root Seedling of Quercus acutissima growing at Differnt Fertilizing Schemes , J. Korean For. Soc, Vol.98 (3) ; pp.331-338 

  9. Lee DK , Kwon KC , Jin YH , Kim YS (2000) Sprouting and Sprout Growth of four Quercus Species -At Natural Stands of Quercus mongolica,Q. variabilis, Q. acutissima and Q. dentata Growing at Kwangju-Gun Kyonggi-Do , Journal of Korean For. E. Soc, Vol.19 (2) ; pp.61-68 

  10. Lee MJ , Yee S , Kim HJ , Ji YU , Song HK (2004) Vegetation Structures and Ecological Niche of Quercus serrata Forests , J. Korean Env. Res. Tec, Vol.7 (1) ; pp.50-58 

  11. Lee SW , Won HK , Shin MY , Son YM , Lee YY (2007) Estimation of Forest Productive Area of Quercus acutissima and Quercus mongolica Using Site Environmental variables , Korean J. Soil Sci. Fertilizer, Vol.40 (5) ; pp.429-434 

  12. Park JH , Oh KI , An KW , Kim CS (2004) Growth Characteristics of Quercus accutissma Seedlings Planted in Various Levels of Strip Clear-cutting of Pinus rigida Plantations , J. Korean For. Soc, Vol.93 (5) ; pp.360-371 

  13. Park MS , Chung YG (1999) Estimation of Diameter and Height Growth in Pinus thunbergii Stands Using Linear and Nonlinear Growth Functions , J. Korean For. Soc, Vol.88 (1) ; pp.47-54 

  14. Seo YO , Lee YJ , Rho DK , Kim SH , Choi JK , Lee WK (2011) Height-DBH Growth Models of Major Tree Species in Chungcheong Province , J. Korean For. Soc, Vol.100 (1) ; pp.62-69 

  15. Shin MY , Kim SH , Jeong JH , Kim CC , Jeon EJ (2008) Development of Volume Growth Rate Model for Major Quercus Species in Korea , J. Korean For. Soc, Vol.97 (6) ; pp.627-633 

  16. Shin MY , Sung JH , Chun JH (2012) Estimating Forest Site Productivity and Productive Areas of Quercus acutissima and Quercus mongolica Using Environmental Viriables , Korean J. Agr. For. meteorology, Vol.14 (2) ; pp.89-97 

  17. 10.5322/JESI.2014.23.6.1075 Shin YS , Song SH , Yang AR , Hwang JH , Park YM (2004) Growth Characteristics of Trees following Different Type of Cutting in Quercus acutissima Stand , J. of the Environmental Science International, Vol.23 (6) ; pp.1075-1083 

  18. Son YM , Lee KH , Chung YG (1997) Stand Growth Estimation Using Nonlinear Growth Equations , J. Korean For. Soc, Vol.86 (2) ; pp.135-145 

  19. 10.1093/forestscience/39.3.594 Zeide B (1993) Analysis of growth equations , For. sci, Vol.39 (3) ; pp.594-681 


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