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[해외논문] Design of a Novel MEMS Microgripper with Rotatory Electrostatic Comb-Drive Actuators for Biomedical Applications 원문보기

Sensors, v.18 no.5, 2018년, pp.1664 -   

Velosa-Moncada, Luis A. (Departamento de Ingenierí) ,  Aguilera-Cortés, Luz Antonio (a Mecá) ,  González-Palacios, Max A. (nica, DICIS, Universidad de Guanajuato) ,  Raskin, Jean-Pierre (aguilera@ugto.mx (L.A.A.-C.)) ,  Herrera-May, Agustin L. (maxg@ugto.mx (M.A.G.-P.))

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Primary tumors of patients can release circulating tumor cells (CTCs) to flow inside of their blood. The CTCs have different mechanical properties in comparison with red and white blood cells, and their detection may be employed to study the efficiency of medical treatments against cancer. We presen...


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