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[해외논문] Surface Tension Analysis of Cost-Effective Paraffin Wax and Water Flow Simulation for Microfluidic Device

Advanced materials research : AMR, v.832, 2013년, pp.773 - 777  

Salih, Nurulazirah Md (University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia) ,  Hashim, U. (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)) ,  Nafarizal, Nayan (University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia) ,  Soon, Chin Fhong (University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia) ,  Sahdan, Mohd Zainizan (University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In microfluidic devices, the most important aspect has to be considered for the manufacturing process is the material suitability and geometric design. Among the materials studied, paraffin wax has never been tested and it is proposed as the new approach in this paper for patterning the microchannel...

참고문헌 (12)

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