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[해외논문] A Double-Sided In-Plane Lateral Comb-Drive Actuator Fabricated by a Plaster-Based 3D-Printer

Key engineering materials, v.656/657, 2015년, pp.594 - 599  

Mizuno, Jun (Ishinomaki Senshu University) ,  Takahashi, Satoshi (Ishinomaki Senshu University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this paper, design, fabrication and characterization of a double-sided in-plane lateral comb-drive actuator fabricated by a plaster-based 3D-printer is described. The design is based on MEMS (Micro Electro-mechanical Systems) design concept. The movable part of the actuator consists of a (10x52.5...

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