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Hysteresis Behavior of Recentering Diagonal Bracing Steel Frames
리센터링 대각 가새 강구조 골조의 이력거동 원문보기

韓國鋼構造學會 論文集 = Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction, v.30 no.4, 2018년, pp.185 - 192  

Kim, Jang Ho ,  Kim, Joo-Woo ,  Lee, Sung Ju

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (13)

  1. Engineering Journal Astaneh 23 4 133 1986 10.62913/engj.v23i4.478 Earthquake-resistant design of double-angle bracings 

  2. Journal of the Structural and Construction Engineering (Transations of AIJ) Saeki 60 149 1995 10.3130/aijs.60.149_4 Extermental study on Pracitical-scale unbonded braces 

  3. Proceeding of the 8th Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering Tremblay 1999 Seismic rehabilitation of a four-story building with a stiffened bracing system 

  4. SSC 94-06 seismic safety commission state of california Bonneville 305 1996 Case study 2.3: Concentric braced frame, lankershim boulevard, north hollywood, northridge earthquake; building case studies project; proposition 122: product 3.2 

  5. 10.1061/41016(314)289 

  6. Improved Seismic Performance of Special Concentrically Braced Frames Shawn 2005 

  7. Yoo, Jung-Han, Roeder, Charles W., Lehman, Dawn E.. Analytical Performance Simulation of Special Concentrically Braced Frames. Journal of structural engineering, vol.134, no.6, 881-889.

  8. Architectural institute of korea Moon 4 4 197 2009 A Study on the Elasto-Plastic Behaviours of Braces and Braced Frames(Ⅱ) 

  9. Architectural institu te of korea Kim 10 1 401 2009 A Study on the Sterength Evaluation of the K type Braced Steel Frame 

  10. EESK J. Earthquake Eng Yoo 13 5 73 2009 Analytical Investigation for Improved Design Models of Chevron Braced Frames 

  11. Reference Manual ANSYS Ver. 14.5 2012 

  12. Manual of steel construction AISC 2006 

  13. DesRoches, Reginald, McCormick, Jason, Delemont, Michael. Cyclic Properties of Superelastic Shape Memory Alloy Wires and Bars. Journal of structural engineering, vol.130, no.1, 38-46.

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