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[국내논문] Quercetin quantification in a Jeju Dendropanax morbifera Lev. extract by varying different parts, harvest times, and extraction solvents
제주 황칠나무의 활용성 제고를 위한 부위별, 수확시기별, 추출용매별 quercetin 함량 분석 원문보기

한국식품저장유통학회지 = Korean journal of food preservation, v.25 no.3, 2018년, pp.344 - 350  

Lee, Ki Hoon ,  Na, Hye Jin ,  Song, Chang Khil ,  Kang, So Young ,  Kim, Sunoh

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Dendropanax morbifera Leveille (Araliaceae) is an endemic species growing in the south-western part of South Korea that has been used in folk medicine and health functional food. In this study, we investigated an extract of quercetin in Jeju D. morbifera by varying different parts (fruit, sprouts, ...

참고문헌 (17)

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  5. Korean J Med Crop Sci Choi 4 1 1996 Growth characteristcs and native environment of Dendropanax morbifera LEV. in Wando, Korea 

  6. Mokchae Konghak Lim 26 7 1998 Studies on the development of traditional Korean golden vamish (Hwangchil) (Ⅱ) chemical composition and coating oil characteristics of the exudates and bark-extractives of Hwangchil namu (Dendropanax morbifera Lev.) 

  7. Korean J Medicinal Crop Sci Ahn 10 126 2002 Selection of the high yield capacity of Hwangchil lacquer and identification of aromatic components in essential oil of Dendropanax morbifera Lev 

  8. Ind Crops Prod Hyun 74 263 2015 10.1016/j.indcrop.2015.05.002 Anti-inflammatory activity and phenolic composition of Dendropanax morbifera leaf extracts 

  9. Pharmazie Chung 64 547 2009 Antiatherogenic activity of Dendropanax morbifera essential oil in rats 

  10. Hum Exp Toxicol Moon 30 870 2011 10.1177/0960327110382131 Antidiabetic effects of dendropanoxide from leaves of Dendropanax morbifera Leveille in normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats 

  11. Food Chem Hyun 141 1947 2013 10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.05.021 Evaluation of anti-oxidant and anti-cancer properties of Dendropanax morbifera Leveille 

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  13. J Agric Food Chem Crozier 45 590 1997 10.1021/jf960339y Quantitative analysis of the flavonoid content of commercial tomatoes, onions, lettuce, and celery 

  14. Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. http://www.mfds.go.kr/index.do?mid=1162&seq=5549&cmd=v (accessed September 2012) Ministry of Food and Drug Safety http://www.mfds.go.kr/index.do?mid=1162&seq=5549&cmd=v (accessed September 2012) 

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  16. Anal Sci Technol Hu 29 255 2016 10.5806/AST.2016.29.6.255 Analysis of quercetin in extract of Hovenia dulcis Thunb 

  17. Food Res Int Wang 34 223 2001 10.1016/S0963-9969(00)00156-3 Determination of flavonols in green and black tea leaves and green tea infusions by high-performance liquid chromatography 

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