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[해외논문] Application of bioindicator film from tapioca/agar/mulberry (Morus alba L.) to detect sausage spoilage 원문보기

IOP conference series : Earth and environmental science, v.195, 2018년, pp.012061 -   

Wardana, Ata Aditya ,  Wiramukti, Adyafahmi ,  Widyaningsih, Tri Dewanti

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractIn this study, development of a bioindicator film to detect sausage spoilage has been evaluated. The objectives of this research were to develop a bioindicator film from blended tapioca, agar, and mulberry juice and to asses its performance in detecting sausage spoilage. Different concentrat...

참고문헌 (29)

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