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[해외논문] The LCA4CSA framework: Using life cycle assessment to strengthen environmental sustainability analysis of climate smart agriculture options at farm and crop system levels 원문보기

Agricultural systems, v.171, 2019년, pp.155 - 170  

Acosta-Alba, Ivonne (French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), UMR Innovation) ,  Chia, Eduardo (French National Institute for Agricultural Research, UMR Innovation) ,  Andrieu, Nadine (French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), UMR Innovation)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) seeks to meet three challenges: improve the adaptation capacity of agricultural systems to climate change, reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of these systems, and ensure local and global food security. Many CSA assessment methods that consider these three ...


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