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[해외논문] CFD water spray model development and physical parameter study on the evaporative cooling

Applied thermal engineering, v.149, 2019년, pp.960 - 974  

Raoult, Fabien (Irstea, UR GPAN, Refrigeration Process Engineering Research Unit) ,  Lacour, Stéphanie (Irstea, UR GPAN, Refrigeration Process Engineering Research Unit) ,  Carissimo, Bertrand (Centre d’Enseignement et de Recherches en Environnement Atmosphé) ,  Trinquet, François (rique (Joint Laboratory ENPC-EDF R&D, Université) ,  Delahaye, Anthony (Paris-Est)) ,  Fournaison, Laurence (Irstea, UR GPAN, Refrigeration Process Engineering Research Unit)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Polydisperse evaporating spray study is complex due to the influence of a large number of physical parameters. Several studies have performed CFD simulations to investigate the cooling performance of water spray systems, but a few have investigated their impact upon heat exchangers. For in...


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