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[해외논문] Large‐Area Metal Gaps and Their Optical Applications

Advanced optical materials, v.7 no.1, 2019년, pp.1800426 -   

Bahk, Young‐Mi (Department of Physics Incheon National University Incheon 22012 South Korea) ,  Kim, Dai‐Sik (Department of Physics and Astronomy and Center for Atom Scale Electromagnetism Seoul National University Seoul 08826 South Korea) ,  Park, Hyeong‐Ryeol (Department of Physics Chungbuk National University Cheongju 28644 South Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractRecent technological advances in fabrication methods have allowed researchers to manipulate light-matter interactions in the subwavelength region and develop a wide variety of innovative optical applications from the visible to the microwave region. Metal patterning at a subwavelength scale ...

참고문헌 (229)

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