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[해외논문] Magneto-optic property measurement of bismuth substituted yttrium iron garnet films prepared by metal-organic-decomposition method at the 1310-nm and 1550-nm wavelengths

Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, v.492, 2019년, pp.165673 -   

Kim, Yudeuk (Department of Physics, Inha University) ,  Bang, David Juseong (Department of Physics, Inha University) ,  Kim, Yonghwan (Department of Physics, Inha University) ,  Jung, Jinyong (Department of Emerging Materials Science, Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology (DGIST)) ,  Hur, Namjung (Department of Physics, Inha University) ,  You, Chun-Yeol (Department of Emerging Materials Science, Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science & Technology (DGIST)) ,  Kim, Kyong Hon (Department of Physics, Inha University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract We have measured the magneto-optic (MO) properties of film-type bismuth substituted yttrium iron garnets (Bi1.5:YIG, Bi1.5Y1.5Fe5O12) prepared by using metal-organic-decomposition (MOD) method on glass substrates at the 1310-nm and 1550-nm wavelengths. The Verdet constant of the Bi1.5:YIG ...

참고문헌 (35)

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