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[해외논문] Sensitive Hyaluronidase Biosensor Based on Target-Responsive Hydrogel Using Electronic Balance as Readout

Analytical chemistry, v.91 no.18, 2019년, pp.11821 - 11826  

Li, Zhixin (Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Analytical Science of Food Safety and Biology, Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Analysis and Detection for Food Safety, College of Chemistry , Fuzhou University , Fuzhou , Fujian 350116 , China) ,  Tang, Caixi (Department of Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Surgery, Affiliated Zhuzhou Hospital, Xiangya Medial College , CSU , Zhuzhou , Hunan 412007 , China) ,  Huang, Da (College of Biological Science and Engineering , Fuzhou University , Fuzhou , Fujian 350116 , China) ,  Qin, Wenjuan (College of Biological Science and Engineering , Fuzhou University , Fuzhou , Fujian 350116 , China) ,  Luo, Fang (Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Analytical Science of Food Safety and Biology, Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Analysis and Detection for Food Safety, College of Chemistry , Fuzhou University , Fuzhou , Fujian 350116 , China) ,  Wang, Jian (Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Anal) ,  Guo, Longhua ,  Qiu, Bin ,  Lin, Zhenyu

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The development of simple but sensitive methods for hyaluronidase (HAase) detection has been paid a great deal of attention because HAase is a potential cancer marker. In this work, a novel system coupled with a controlled release system has been designed for HAase determination without complex anal...

참고문헌 (38)

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