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Effects of Chlorine Dioxide Solution on Reduction of Pesticide Residues in The Apple and Perilla leaf
사과 및 들깻잎 중 이산화염소수를 활용한 농약 저감화 연구 원문보기

농약과학회지 = The Korean journal of pesticide science, v.23 no.3, 2019년, pp.135 - 145  

Oh, Yee Jin ,  Hwang, In Seong ,  Park, Sang Won ,  Choi, Geun Hyoung ,  Ryu, Song Hee ,  Kwon, Hye Young ,  Hwang, Eun Sun ,  Kim, Jin Hyo ,  Lee, Hyo Sub

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (35)


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  3. Bourgin, M., Violleau, F., Debrauwer, L., Albet, J.. Ozonation of imidacloprid in aqueous solutions: Reaction monitoring and identification of degradation products. Journal of hazardous materials, vol.190, no.1, 60-68.

  4. Calvo, Hector, Redondo, Diego, Remón, Sara, Venturini, María E., Arias, Esther. Efficacy of electrolyzed water, chlorine dioxide and photocatalysis for disinfection and removal of pesticide residues from stone fruit. Postharvest biology and technology, vol.148, 22-31.

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  7. Chun, Ho Hyun, Kang, Ji Hoon, Song, Kyung Bin. Effects of Aqueous Chlorine Dioxide Treatment and Cold Storage on Microbial Growth and Quality of Blueberries. Journal of the Korean Society for Applied Biological Chemistry, vol.56, no.3, 309-315.

  8. Gabler, F.M., Smilanick, J.L., Mansour, M.F., Karaca, H.. Influence of fumigation with high concentrations of ozone gas on postharvest gray mold and fungicide residues on table grapes. Postharvest biology and technology, vol.55, no.2, 85-90.

  9. Fu, Yucheng, Zhang, Kaili, Wang, Niya, Du, Jinhua. Effects of aqueous chlorine dioxide treatment on polyphenol oxidases from Golden Delicious apple. LWT- Food science and technology, vol.40, no.8, 1362-1368.

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  11. Gómez-López, V.M., Devlieghere, F., Ragaert, P., Debevere, J.. Shelf-life extension of minimally processed carrots by gaseous chlorine dioxide. International journal of food microbiology, vol.116, no.2, 221-227.

  12. Kim, Yun‐Jung, Lee, Seung‐Hwan, Park, Jiyong, Park, Jonghyun, Chung, Myongsoo, Kwon, Kisung, Chung, Kyungsook, Won, Misun, Song, Kyung Bin. Inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes on Stored Iceberg Lettuce by Aqueous Chlorine Dioxide Treatment. Journal of food science : an official publication of the Institute of Food Technologists, vol.73, no.9,

  13. Kong, Zhiqiang, Dong, Fengshou, Xu, Jun, Liu, Xingang, Li, Jing, Li, Yuanbo, Tian, Yingying, Guo, Liqun, Shan, Weili, Zheng, Yongquan. Degradation of acephate and its metabolite methamidophos in rice during processing and storage. Food control, vol.23, no.1, 149-153.

  14. Hwang, Kyu-Won, Bang, Woo-Suk, Jo, Hyeong-Wook, Moon, Joon-Kwan. Dissipation and Removal of the Etofenprox Residue during Processing in Spring Onion. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, vol.63, no.30, 6675-6680.

  15. Ikeura, H., Hamasaki, S., Tamaki, M.. Effects of ozone microbubble treatment on removal of residual pesticides and quality of persimmon leaves. Food chemistry, vol.138, no.1, 366-371.

  16. Souza, Lauana Pellanda de, Faroni, Lêda Rita D'Antonino, Heleno, Fernanda Fernandes, Pinto, Frederico Garcia, Queiroz, Maria Eliana Lopes Ribeiro de, Prates, Lucas Henrique Figueiredo. Ozone treatment for pesticide removal from carrots: Optimization by response surface methodology. Food chemistry, vol.243, 435-441.

  17. Lee, S.-Y., Baek, S.-Y.. Effect of chemical sanitizer combined with modified atmosphere packaging on inhibiting Escherichia coli O157:H7 in commercial spinach. Food microbiology, vol.25, no.4, 582-587.

  18. Lee, Y., Burgess, G., Rubino, M., Auras, R.. Reaction and diffusion of chlorine dioxide gas under dark and light conditions at different temperatures. Journal of food engineering, vol.144, 20-28.

  19. Lopez-Galvez, F., Allende, A., Truchado, P., Martinez-Sanchez, A., Tudela, J.A., Selma, M.V., Gil, M.I.. Suitability of aqueous chlorine dioxide versus sodium hypochlorite as an effective sanitizer for preserving quality of fresh-cut lettuce while avoiding by-product formation. Postharvest biology and technology, vol.55, no.1, 53-60.

  20. Lozowicka, Bozena, Jankowska, Magdalena, Hrynko, Izabela, Kaczynski, Piotr. Removal of 16 pesticide residues from strawberries by washing with tap and ozone water, ultrasonic cleaning and boiling. Environmental monitoring and assessment, vol.188, no.1, 51-.

  21. Mahmoud, B.S.M., Bhagat, A.R., Linton, R.H.. Inactivation kinetics of inoculated Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella enterica on strawberries by chlorine dioxide gas. Food microbiology, vol.24, no.7, 736-744.

  22. Miyahara, Makoto, Saito, Yukio. Effects of the processing steps in tofu production on pesticide residues. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, vol.42, no.2, 369-373.

  23. Tabakoglu, Nadide, Karaca, Hakan. Enhanced Degradation of Azoxystrobin in Grapes and Model Systems by Ozone Fumigation during Storage. Ozone: science & engineering, vol.37, no.6, 479-488.

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  26. Jin, H.‐H., Lee, S.‐Y.. Combined Effect of Aqueous Chlorine Dioxide and Modified Atmosphere Packaging on Inhibiting Salmonella Typhimurium and Listeria monocytogenes in Mungbean Sprouts. Journal of food science : an official publication of the Institute of Food Technologists, vol.72, no.9,

  27. Popa, Iuliano, Hanson, Eric J., Todd, Ewen C.D., Schilder, Annemiek C., Ryser, Elliot T.. Efficacy of Chlorine Dioxide Gas Sachets for Enhancing the Microbiological Quality and Safety of Blueberries. Journal of food protection, vol.70, no.9, 2084-2088.

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  30. Saengnil, K., Chumyam, A., Faiyue, B., Uthaibutra, J.. Use of chlorine dioxide fumigation to alleviate enzymatic browning of harvested 'Daw' longan pericarp during storage under ambient conditions. Postharvest biology and technology, vol.91, 49-56.

  31. Sy, Kaye V., Murray, Melinda B., Harrison, M.David, Beuchat, Larry R.. Evaluation of Gaseous Chlorine Dioxide as a Sanitizer for Killing Salmonella, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, and Yeasts and Molds on Fresh and Fresh-Cut Produce. Journal of food protection, vol.68, no.6, 1176-1187.

  32. Trinetta, Valentina, Linton, Richard H, Morgan, Mark T. Use of chlorine dioxide gas for the postharvest control of Alternaria alternata and Stemphylium vesicarium on Roma tomatoes. Journal of the science of food and agriculture, vol.93, no.13, 3330-3333.

  33. Wu, V.C.H., Kim, B.. Effect of a simple chlorine dioxide method for controlling five foodborne pathogens, yeasts and molds on blueberries. Food microbiology, vol.24, no.7, 794-800.

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