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NTIS 바로가기Astroparticle physics, v.115, 2020년, pp.102390 -
Barbosa de Souza, E. (Department of Physics, Yale University) , Park, B.J. (Corresponding authors.) , Adhikari, G. (Department of Physics, Sejong University) , Adhikari, P. (Department of Physics, Sejong University) , Carlin, N. (Physics Institute, University of Sã) , Choi, J.J. (o Paulo) , Choi, S. (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University) , Djamal, M. (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University) , Ezeribe, A.C. (Department of Physics, Bandung Institute of Technology) , Ha, C. (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Sheffield) , Hahn, I.S. (Center for Underground Physics, Institute for Basic Science (IBS)) , Jeon, E.J. (Department of Science Education, Ewha Womans University) , Jo, J.H. (Corresponding authors.) , Kang, W.G. (Department of Physics, Yale University) , Kauer, M. , Kim, G.S. , Kim, H. , Kim, H.J. , Kim, K.W. , Kim, N.Y. , Kim, S.K. , Kim, Y.D. , Kim, Y.H. , Ko, Y.J. , Kudryavtsev, V.A. , Lee, E.K. , Lee, H.S. , Lee, J. , Lee, J.Y. , Lee, M.H. , Lee, S.H. , Leonard, D.S. , Lynch, W.A. , Manzato, B.B. , Maruyama, R.H. , Neal, R.J. , Olsen, S.L. , Park, H.K. , Park, H.S. , Park, K.S. , Pitta, R.L.C. , Prihtiadi, H. , Ra, S.J. , Rott, C. , Shin, K.A. , Scarff, A. , Spooner, N.J.C. , Thompson, W.G. , Yang, L. , Yu, G.H.
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