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[해외논문] Metal organic framework UiO-66 and activated carbon composite sorbent for the concurrent adsorption of cationic and anionic metals

Chemosphere, v.238, 2020년, pp.124656 -   

Solis, Kurt Louis B. (Department of Environmental Engineering, Korea University) ,  Kwon, Young-Hwan (Department of Chemical Engineering, Daegu University) ,  Kim, Moon-Hyeon (Department of Environmental Engineering, Daegu University) ,  An, Ha-Rim (Advanced Nano-Surface Group, Korea Basic Science Institute) ,  Jeon, Cheolho (Advanced Nano-Surface Group, Korea Basic Science Institute) ,  Hong, Yongseok (Department of Environmental Engineering, Korea University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract A composite sorbent for the simultaneous removal of both Hg2+ and SeO3 2− from aqueous media was produced from the solvothermal synthesis of a zirconium metal organic framework, UiO-66, in the presence of activated carbon. The composite sorbent has a large surface area of 1051 m2 g&m...


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