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[국내논문] Impact of copper(II) on activation product removal from reactor decommissioning effluents in South Korea

Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry : JIEC, v.82, 2020년, pp.261 - 268  

Amphlett, J.T.M. (Separations and Nuclear Chemical Engineering Research (SNUCER), Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Sheffield) ,  Pepper, S.E. (Separations and Nuclear Chemical Engineering Research (SNUCER), Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Sheffield) ,  Riley, A.L. (Separations and Nuclear Chemical Engineering Research (SNUCER), Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Sheffield) ,  Harwood, L.M. (Department of Chemistry, University of Reading) ,  Cowell, J. (Department of Chemistry, University of Reading) ,  Whittle, K.R. (School of Engineering, University of Liverpool) ,  Lee, T.S. (Department of Organic Materials Engineering, Chungnam National University) ,  Ogden, M.D. (Separations and Nuclear Chemical Engineering Research (SNUCER), Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Univ)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Decommissioning is one of the most important phases in the life of a nuclear reactor, having a major influence on public perception of such technology. Therefore, development of technologies that make decommissioning more safe, effective and efficient is integral to the success of the nucl...


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