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Resonance frequency analysis-reliability in third generation instruments: Osstell mentor® 원문보기

Medicina oral, patología oral y cirugía bucal, v.17 no.5, 2012년, pp.e801 - e806  

Herrero-Climent, Mariano (Lecturer at the Master’s Degree in Periodontology and Implants at the University of Seville) ,  Albertini, Matteo (Lecturer at the Master’s Degree in Periodontology and Implants at the University of Seville) ,  Rios-Santos, Jose V. (Full-time lecturer at the Department of Dentistry at the University of Seville) ,  Lázaro-Calvo, Pedro (Lecturer at the Master’s Degree in Periodontology and Implants at the University of Seville) ,  Fernández-Palacín, Ana (Full-time lecturer at the Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health at the University of Seville) ,  Bullon, Pedro (Full Professor at the Department of Dentistry at the University of Seville)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Few studies assess repeatability and reproducibility in registers of resonance frequency analysis (a value of dental implant stability). Objective: Few studies assess repeatability and reproducibility in resonance frequency analyses (implant stability evaluation). This study is aimed at assessing re...

참고문헌 (18)

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  13. 13 Nedir R Bischof M Szmukler-Moncler S Bernard JP Samson J Predicting osseointegration by means of implant primary stability Clin Oral Implants Res 2004 15 520 8 15355393 

  14. 14 Lachmann S Jäger B Axmann D Gomez-Roman G Groten M Weber H Resonance frequency analysis and damping capacity assessment. Part I: an in vitro study on measurement reliability and a method of comparison in the determination of primary dental implant stability Clin Oral Implants Res 2006 17 5 9 16441787 

  15. 15 Lachmann S Laval JY Jäger B Axmann D Gomez-Roman G Groten M Resonance frequency analysis and damping capacity assessment. Part II: periimplant bone loss follow-up. An in vitro study with the Periotest and Ostell instruments Clin Oral Impl Res 2006 17 80 4 16441788 

  16. 16 Zix J Hug S Kessler-Liechti G Mericske-Stern R Measurement of dental implant stability by resonance frequency analysis and damping capacity assessment: comparison of both techniques in a clinical trial Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2008 23 525 30 18700378 

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