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[해외논문] Neuromorphic Stereo Vision: A Survey of Bio-Inspired Sensors and Algorithms 원문보기

Frontiers in neurorobotics, v.13, 2019년, pp.28 -   

Steffen, Lea (FZI Research Center for Information Technology , Karlsruhe , Germany) ,  Reichard, Daniel (FZI Research Center for Information Technology , Karlsruhe , Germany) ,  Weinland, Jakob (FZI Research Center for Information Technology , Karlsruhe , Germany) ,  Kaiser, Jacques (FZI Research Center for Information Technology , Karlsruhe , Germany) ,  Roennau, Arne (FZI Research Center for Information Technology , Karlsruhe , Germany) ,  Dillmann, Rüdiger (FZI Research Center for Information Technology , Karlsruhe , Germany)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Any visual sensor, whether artificial or biological, maps the 3D-world on a 2D-representation. The missing dimension is depth and most species use stereo vision to recover it. Stereo vision implies multiple perspectives and matching, hence it obtains depth from a pair of images. Algorithms for stere...


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AI-Helper 아이콘
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※ AI-Helper는 부적절한 답변을 할 수 있습니다.

선택된 텍스트
