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[해외논문] Managing volunteer convergence at disaster relief centers

International journal of production economics, v.220, 2020년, pp.107399 -   

Abualkhair, Hussain (Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, North Carolina A&T State University) ,  Lodree, Emmett J. (Department of Information Systems, Statistics & Management Science, Culverhouse College of Business, University of Alabama) ,  Davis, Lauren B. (Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, North Carolina A&T State University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Disaster relief centers (DRCs) are the retailers of disaster relief supply chains. Also known as Points of Distribution (PODs), disaster relief centers are ad hoc distribution sites set up in shopping mall parking lots, schools, churches, or warehouses where relief supplies are distributed...


참고문헌 (37)

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