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[해외논문] Role of 4f states in infinite-layer NdNiO2 원문보기

Physical review. B, v.101 no.2, 2020년, pp.020503 -   

Choi, Mi-Young ,  Lee, Kwan-Woo ,  Pickett, Warren E.

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (21)

  1. Li, Danfeng, Lee, Kyuho, Wang, Bai Yang, Osada, Motoki, Crossley, Samuel, Lee, Hye Ryoung, Cui, Yi, Hikita, Yasuyuki, Hwang, Harold Y.. Superconductivity in an infinite-layer nickelate. Nature, vol.572, no.7771, 624-627.

  2. Siegrist, T., Zahurak, S. M., Murphy, D. W., Roth, R. S.. The parent structure of the layered high-temperature superconductors. Nature, vol.334, no.6179, 231-232.

  3. Azuma, M., Hiroi, Z., Takano, M., Bando, Y., Takeda, Y.. Superconductivity at 110 K in the infinite-layer compound (Sr1-xCax)1-yCuO2. Nature, vol.356, no.6372, 775-776.

  4. Anisimov, V. I., Bukhvalov, D., Rice, T. M.. Electronic structure of possible nickelate analogs to the cuprates. Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, vol.59, no.12, 7901-7906.

  5. Lee, K.-W., Pickett, W. E.. Infinite-layerLaNiO2: Ni1+is notCu2+. Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, vol.70, no.16, 165109-.

  6. Nomura, Yusuke, Hirayama, Motoaki, Tadano, Terumasa, Yoshimoto, Yoshihide, Nakamura, Kazuma, Arita, Ryotaro. Formation of a two-dimensional single-component correlated electron system and band engineering in the nickelate superconductor $ \mathrm{NdNiO}_{2}$. Physical review. B, vol.100, no.20, 205138-.

  7. Jiang, Peiheng, Si, Liang, Liao, Zhaoliang, Zhong, Zhicheng. Electronic structure of rare-earth infinite-layer $ R\mathrm{Ni}\mathrm{O}_{2}(R=\mathrm{La},\mathrm{Nd})$. Physical review. B, vol.100, no.20, 201106-.

  8. Hu, Lun-Hui, Wu, Congjun. Two-band model for magnetism and superconductivity in nickelates. Physical review research, vol.1, no.3, 032046-.

  9. Werner, Philipp, Hoshino, Shintaro. Nickelate superconductors: Multiorbital nature and spin freezing. Physical review. B, vol.101, no.4, 041104-.

  10. Mikhalev, K., Verkhovskii, S., Gerashenko, A., Mirmelstein, A., Bobrovskii, V., Kumagai, K., Furukawa, Y., D’yachkova, T., Zainulin, Yu.. Temperature dependence of the sublattice magnetization of the infinite-layer antiferromagnetSrCuO2. Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, vol.69, no.13, 132415-.

  11. Radousky, H.B.. A review of the superconducting and normal state properties of Y1−xPrxBa2Cu3O7. Journal of materials research, vol.7, no.7, 1917-1955.

  12. Liechtenstein, A. I., Mazin, I. I.. Quantitative Model for the Superconductivity Suppression in $ R_{1-x}\Pr _{x}\mathrm{Ba}_{2}\mathrm{Cu}_{3}\mathrm{O}_{7}$ with Different Rare Earths. Physical review letters, vol.74, no.6, 1000-1003.

  13. Gupta, L. C.. Superconductivity and magnetism and their interplay in quaternary borocarbides RNi2B2C. Advances in physics, vol.55, no.7, 691-798.

  14. Pickett, Warren E., Singh, David J.. New class of intermetallic borocarbide superconductors: Electron-phonon coupling and physical parameters. Journal of superconductivity, vol.8, no.4, 425-428.

  15. Debessai, M., Matsuoka, T., Hamlin, J. J., Schilling, J. S., Shimizu, K.. Pressure-Induced Superconducting State of Europium Metal at Low Temperatures. Physical review letters, vol.102, no.19, 197002-.

  16. Pi, Shu-Ting, Savrasov, Sergey Y., Pickett, Warren E.. Pressure-tuned Frustration of Magnetic Coupling in Elemental Europium. Physical review letters, vol.122, no.5, 057201-.

  17. Schwarz, Karlheinz, Blaha, Peter. Solid state calculations using WIEN2k. Computational materials science, vol.28, no.2, 259-273.

  18. Ylvisaker, Erik R., Pickett, Warren E., Koepernik, Klaus. Anisotropy and magnetism in theLSDA+Umethod. Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, vol.79, no.3, 035103-.

  19. Shick, A. B., Liechtenstein, A. I., Pickett, W. E.. Implementation of the LDA+U method using the full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave basis. Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, vol.60, no.15, 10763-10769.

  20. Kuneš, J., Pickett, W. E.. Kondo and anti-Kondo coupling to local moments in $ \mathrm{EuB}_{6}$. Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, vol.69, no.16, 165111-.

  21. 10.36471/JCCM_December_2019_02 


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