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[해외논문] Controllable graphene W-shaped three-port THz circulator

Photonics and nanostructures : fundamentals and applications, v.40, 2020년, pp.100795 -   

Dmitriev, Victor (Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Para) ,  Castro, Wagner (Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Para) ,  Melo, Geraldo (Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Para) ,  Oliveira, Cristiano (Department of Electrical Engineering, Federal University of Para)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract We propose a new graphene-based THz circulator. It consists of a circular graphene resonator and three graphene nanoribbon waveguides of W-geometry placed on a dielectric substrate. Surface plasmon-polariton waves propagate in the waveguides. The nanoribbon excites in the resonator dipole ...


참고문헌 (35)

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