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Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in special management sea areas of Korea: Distribution and bioconcentration in edible fish species

Marine pollution bulletin, v.156, 2020년, pp.111236 -   

Hung, Mai Duc (Corresponding author.) ,  Jung, Hyeon Ji ,  Jeong, Hui Ho ,  Lam, Nguyen Hoang ,  Cho, Hyeon Seo

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Thirteen PFASs in water (n = 58), sediment (n = 58) and edible fish samples (n = 81) collected from three special management sea areas of Korea including Gwangyang bay, Masan bay and Busan harbor in July 2018 were investigated. The mean PFASs concentration in water (ng/L) were in order Mas...


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