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실험 화재시 유독가스 방출과 Rats를 이용한 독성평가
Toxicity Evaluation of Fire Effluent Gases from Experimental Fires by a Rats 원문보기

한국화재소방학회 2001년도 추계학술대회 논문집, 2001 Nov. 01, 2001년, pp.74 - 77  

김동현 (Dankook University Hospital Dept. of Occupational Medicine) ,  김홍 (Hoseo University Dept. of Industrial Safety Engineering) ,  오규형 (Hoseo University Dept. of Industrial Safety Engineering)

초록이 없습니다.

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* AI 자동 식별 결과로 적합하지 않은 문장이 있을 수 있으니, 이용에 유의하시기 바랍니다.

제안 방법

  • It has long been recognized that exposure to the fire induced toxic gases is one of the hazards confronting people in fires. In this study, the toxicity of fire effluent gases released from experimental fires is evaluated by exposing lab rats to the fire-induced gases in a bum room.
  • Then, several types of blood tests are given to the rats, which includes glucose (enzyme method, reagent ; sinyang, Korea, Hitachi 7600 110), AST(GOT, UV method, reagent; sinyang, Korea, Hitachi 7600 110), ALT (GPT, UV method, reagent ; sinyang, Korea, Hitachi 7600 110), CBC Count (complete blood cell count method, reagent ; RBC/Plt, HGB, Baso, EZ Kleen, Defoamer, Sheath Rinse, Perox 1, 2, 3 Ret., ADVIA TM 120 Hematology System, Bayer, USA) and CO (carboxy)-Hb (method : alkali hematin, UV spectrometer, Hewlett Packard).

대상 데이터

  • The fuels used in the experiments are mainly interior upholsteries such as sofa, clothes, chair, curtain, floor cover, etc. Sprague Dawley (age 7 weeks, 215±15g), the lab rat used in the experiments, is placed at the specific height diere the respiration of human takes place, and in turn is exposed to the fire-induced toxic gases.
  • The fuels used in the experiments are mainly interior upholsteries such as sofa, clothes, chair, curtain, floor cover, etc. Sprague Dawley (age 7 weeks, 215±15g), the lab rat used in the experiments, is placed at the specific height
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