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[국내논문] Effect of Residual Stress Distributions in Defect Assessment
결함 평가에서 용접 잔류응력 분포의 영향 원문보기

대한용접접합학회 2006년 추계학술발표대회 개요집, 2006 Oct. 19, 2006년, pp.15 - 17  

Lee, Se-Hwan (한국원자력연구소) ,  Lee, Hyeong-Yeon (한국원자력연구소) ,  Kim, Jong-Beom (한국원자력연구소) ,  Lee, Jae-Han (한국원자력연구소)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Weld residual stresses can be a major concern in structural integrity assessments such as a nuclear power plant. In this paper, detailed weld residual stress analyses were presented for a typical multi-pass weld of pipe-butt weld and plate T-butt weld. The calculated residual stress distributions we...

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AI-Helper 아이콘 AI-Helper

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  • A transient thermal and elasto-plastic mechanical analyses with an axis symmetric two-dimensional model were performed with the commercial software program ABAQUS [3], Heat flow in welding process was evaluated by a non-linear transient analysis. The results of numerical analysis for the residual stresses in multi-pass butt weld were compared with those of the measurements data and recommended code profiles which is defined by analytical methods.
  • a crack. The SIF has been determined by using a Green's function method in conjunction with the finite element analysis for a T-butt weld[4].
  • The calculation of the stress intensity factors for the plate T-butt weld has been accomplished using a FE analysis with cracked model in conjunction with the Green's function. The FE models with a specific crack length (a/w) of 0.
  • In this study, two shapes of weldments, plate T-butt and pipe-butt, are investigated using the recommended codes and finite element method.
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