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[국내논문] Applicability of PDA and SPT-based methods for Toe Bearing Capacity of PHC Piles Driven in the Thick Deltaic Deposits
대심도 연약지반에 항타매입된 PHC 말뚝의 선단지지력을 위한 CPT와 SPT법의 적용성 분석 원문보기

한국지반공학회 2008년도 추계 학술발표회, 2008 Oct. 10, 2008년, pp.713 - 720  

Dung, N.T. (Dept. of Civil Engineering, Dong-A University) ,  Chung, Sung-Gyo (Dept. of Civil Engineering, Dong-A University) ,  Kim, Sung-Ryul (Dept. of Civil Engineering, Dong-A University)

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본 연구는 낙동강 하구 대심도 연약지반에 항타관입된 PHC 말뚝에 대하여 SPT 지지력 공식으로 부터 계산된 선단지지력 값과 PDA 시험에서 얻어진 선단지지력 측정값을 비교하였다. 또한, SPT N값이 50이 넘는 경우에 대하여는 N값과 롯드 관입깊이의 선형관계를 가정하여 30cm 관입깊이에 해당하는 N값을 적용한 경우와 CPT $q_c$와의 상관성을 이용하여 $q_c$값으로부터 N값을 산정한 경우의 2가지 분석을 수행하였다. 그 결과, 본 연구에서 적용한 SPT 지지력 공식 모두 측정된 선단지지력 값과 차이가 났으며, SPT 지지력 공식은 대심도 연약지반에 항타 근입된 말뚝에 대하여 실제적인 설계를 수행할 때 신뢰하기 어려운 것으로 나타났다. 또한, N>50인 경우에 대하여 N값과 롯드 관입깊이의 선형관계를 적용하는 것은 지지력을 매우 과대평가하는 것으로 나타났다.

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제안 방법

  • Although several SPT-based methods were proposed for estimating bearing capacity of driven piles the reliability of the methods was uncertain for practical design, especially in deep sandy deposits. This paper is attempted to examine the reliability of some common SPT-based methods with an emphasis on the use of the SPT routinely performed in practice. First, three common CPT-based methods, which are often suggested in pile design manuals or specifications, were briefly reviewed.
  • First, three common CPT-based methods, which are often suggested in pile design manuals or specifications, were briefly reviewed. The analysis was then followed by a comparison analysis between toe bearing resistance obtained from the SPT-based methods and those obtained from the PDA test.
  • During the soil investigation stage of the projects, the SPT was performed in association with boring logs. The test was performed using conventional donut hammer and cathead system. In dense to very dense sands, the test was stopped when the SPT number reached 50 even the penetration was less than 30 cm.
  • Five PHC closed-ended piles (600 mm outer diameter, B-type) were driven with the PDA test, which is to evaluate bearing capacity and drivability of the long PHC piles at the study sites. Two piles named as MJ-2 were driven at the same location of MC-2 and three piles named SH-2, SH-3, and SH-5 were driven at SO2-1, SO3-2, and SO5-3 locations, respectively.
  • Two piles named as MJ-2 were driven at the same location of MC-2 and three piles named SH-2, SH-3, and SH-5 were driven at SO2-1, SO3-2, and SO5-3 locations, respectively. The PDA test was performed through the driving process, starting from the first stroke until the final depth. The piles were driven by using a hydraulic impact hammer of 16 ton capacity.
  • It is difficult to exactly determine the compressibility of the soil in this case in comparison with the case that the blow count is obtained with the full penetration of 30cm. Thus, two simple techniques were used in this study to interpolate the actual blow count, as follows: (1) correlation with cone tip resistance from the CPTu; (2) simple linear interpolation (N = 30x50/S50) where S50= penetration (cm) at N = 50. For the first technique, a correlation between the normalized SPT number (N60) and the cone tip resistance (qc) was first carried out for the N 50 as shown in Fig.

대상 데이터

  • The study sites in this research were the Myeongji (MJ) and Shinho (SH) Residential Complexes in the Nakdong River delta (NRD), where the ground has been reclaimed since the 1990s. The layering variation at the sites can briefly be described as follows: The fill layer of about 5 m thick was placed on the original ground surface and followed by loose silty sand (upper sand), soft to medium silty clay (upper clay), loose to dense sand (lower sand),and sandy gravel on bed rock.
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