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[미국특허] Polysilicon mask for etching thick insulator 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01L-021/02
출원번호 US-0904085 (1978-05-08)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kochel Leroy J. (Fridley MN) Kalweit Harvey W. (Minneapolis MN) Gonzales Arthur D. (Inver Grove Heights MN) Church Clyde L. (Apple Valley MN) Ou-Yang Paul H. (Sunnyvale CA)
출원인 / 주소
  • Sperry Rand Corporation (New York NY 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 6  인용 특허 : 5


An improved method is disclosed for etching the thick field insulator films of silicon-oxy-nitride, during the fabrication process of metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) devices, wherein a polycrystalline silicon etch mask is used in conjunction with an acid etchant to etch the gate and interconnect ope


An improved method for etching a field insulator in a metal oxide semiconductor fabrication process, comprising: providing a silicon substrate having an insulator formed over said substrate; forming a layer of polycrystalline silicon over said field insulator; etching a plurality of openings through

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5)

  1. Takagi Mikio (Tokyo JA) Kamioka Hajime (Tokyo JA) Nakayama Kazufumi (Kawasaki JA) Shimoda Haruo (Tama JA), Method of making a semiconductor device.
  2. Kitajima Motohiro (Aizu Wakamatsu JA) Nakagawa Yoshihiko (Aizu Wakamatsu JA), Method of manufacturing an insulated gate type field effect semiconductor device.
  3. Rosnowski Wojciech (Summit NJ) Ponczak Samuel (Somerville NJ), Method of selective aluminum diffusion.
  4. Nomura Kousi (Itami JA) Kawazu Satoru (Itami JA) Hirose Yoshihiko (Itami JA) Inoue Isao (Itami JA) Watari Yoshihiko (Itami JA) Kijima Koichi (Itami JA), Process of producing semiconductor devices.
  5. Mochizuki Hidenobu (Atsugi JA) Aoki Teruaki (Tokyo JA) Matsushita Takeshi (Sagamihara JA) Hayashi Hisao (Atsugi JA) Okayama Masanori (Atsugi JA), Utilizing multiple polycrystalline silicon masks for diffusion and passivation.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (6)

  1. Kapral Ales M., Additive for cosmetics and other topically applied materials.
  2. Mattox Robert (Tempe AZ) Fong Steven (Santa Clara CA), Method for forming a dielectric filled trench.
  3. Bartholomew Robert F. (Poughkeepsie NY) Garbarino Paul L. (Ridgefield CT) Gardiner James R. (Wappingers Falls NY) Revitz Martin (Poughkeepsie NY) Shepard Joseph F. (Hopewell Junction NY), Method for making an electrical contact to a silicon substrate through a relatively thin layer of silicon dioxide on the.
  4. Dyer, Thomas W.; Toomey, James J., Method of patterning semiconductor structure and structure thereof.
  5. Dyer, Thomas W.; Toomey, James J., Method of patterning semiconductor structure and structure thereof.
  6. Mattox Robert (Tempe AZ) Fong Steven (Santa Clara CA), Trench isolation process and structure.

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