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[미국특허] Ultra-low sheet resistance metal/poly-si gate for deep sub-micron CMOS application 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01L-021/4763
  • H01L-021/3205
  • H01L-021/28
  • H01L-021/44
출원번호 US-0165003 (1998-10-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Lim Chong Wee,SGX
  • Pey Kin Leong,SGX
  • Siah Soh Yun,SGX
  • Lim Eng Hwa,SGX
  • Chan Lap
출원인 / 주소
  • National University of Singapore, SGX
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 25  인용 특허 : 6


A method for fabricating a deep sub-micron gate electrode, comprising polysilicon and metal, having ultra-low sheet resistance. The process begins by forming shallow trench isolation regions 14 in a silicon substrate 10. A gate oxide layer is formed on device areas. A doped blanket polysilicon layer


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A method for fabricating an ultra-low sheet resistance gate electrode for CMOS applications; comprising the steps of:a) providing a semiconductor substrate having a gate oxide layer thereon, a bottom gate electrode over said gate oxide layer, a gate cap over said bottom g

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6)

  1. Tigelaar Howard L. (Allen TX) Haken Roger A. (Dallas TX) Holloway Thomas C. (Dallas TX) Groover ; III Robert (Dallas TX), Integrated circuit process with TiN-gate transistor.
  2. Grivna Gordon (565 W. Laguna Azul Mesa AZ 85210) Bernhardt Bruce A. (4166 W. Orchid La. Chandler AZ 85226) Keller Gerald (841 Santa Ana St. Chandler AZ 85224), Method for making a semiconductor device comprising a dual metal gate using a chemical mechanical polish.
  3. Bai Gang ; Fraser David B., Method of forming a polycide film.
  4. Wong Harianto,SGX ; Pey Kin Leong,SGX ; Chan Lap, Method of making self-aligned silicide narrow gate electrodes for field effect transistors having low sheet resistance.
  5. Kwon Chul-soon,KRX, Methods of fabricating copper interconnects for integrated circuits.
  6. Kato Juri (Suwa JPX) Tanaka Kazuo (Suwa JPX), Semiconductor device having a gate electrode having a low dopant concentration.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (25)

  1. Narasimha,Shreesh; O'Neil,Patricia A., CMOS device integration for low external resistance.
  2. Gardner Mark I. ; Fulford ; Jr. H. Jim ; May Charles E., Dielectrically-isolated transistor with low-resistance metal source and drain formed using sacrificial source and drain structures.
  3. Jacques Bertrand ; George Kluth ; Minh Van Ngo ; Christy Mei-Chu Woo, Dual layer silicide formation using a titanium barrier to reduce surface roughness at silicide/junction interface.
  4. Matsuki, Takeo; Shinmura, Toshiki, Field effect transistor having a two layered gate electrode.
  5. Kim, Tae Kyun; Jang, Se Aug; Cha, Tae Ho; Yeo, In Seok, Method for fabricating a dual metal gate for a semiconductor device.
  6. Kim Seon Soon,KRX ; Choi Jun Gi,KRX, Method for fabricating a semiconductor device.
  7. Daubenspeck, Timothy H.; Landers, William F.; Zupanski-Nielsen, Donna S., Method for fabricating last level copper-to-C4 connection with interfacial cap structure.
  8. Huang, Jenn Ming, Method for forming a metal gate integrated with a source and drain salicide process with oxynitride spacers.
  9. Wang,Gin Jei; Peng,Chao Hsien; Wu,Chii Ming; Chang,Chih Wei; Shue,Shau Lin, Method for forming a semiconductor device.
  10. Wu,Kuo Chien; Huang,Tse Yao; Chen,Yi Nan, Method for forming bit line.
  11. Cabral, Jr., Cyril; Kedzierski, Jakub T.; Ku, Victor; Lavoie, Christian; Narayanan, Vijay; Steegen, An L., Method for integration of silicide contacts and silicide gate metals.
  12. Ying, Chentsau; Chen, Xiaoyi; Nallan, Padmapani C.; Kumar, Ajay, Method for removing residue from a magneto-resistive random access memory (MRAM) film stack using a dual mask.
  13. Ho, Kwok Keung Paul; Chooi, Simon; Xu, Yi; Aliyu, Yakub; Zhou, Mei Sheng; Sudijono, John Leonard; Gupta, Subhash; Roy, Sudipto Ranendra, Method of application of conductive cap-layer in flip-chip, cob, and micro metal bonding.
  14. Mark Michael ; Jon D. Cheek, Method of fabricating a deep source/drain.
  15. See Alex,SGX ; Chan Lap ; Sundaresan Ravi, Method of forming contact to polysilicon gate for MOS devices.
  16. Pey Kin-Leong,SGX ; Ho Chaw Sing,SGX ; Chan Lap, Method to fabricate a double-polysilicon gate structure for a sub-quarter micron self-aligned-titanium silicide process.
  17. Elgin Quek SG; Ravi Sundaresan ; Yang Pan SG; James Lee Yong Meng SG; Ying Keung HK; Yelehanka Ramachandramurthy Pradeep SG; Jia Zhen Zheng SG; Lap Chan, Method to form a low parasitic capacitance pseudo-SOI CMOS device.
  18. Ming-Hsing Tsai TW; Chii-Ming Wu TW, Poly resistor structure for damascene metal gate.
  19. Ibok Effiong, Self-aligned damascene gate formation with low gate resistance.
  20. Ibok Effiong ; Rouse Richard P., Self-aligned damascene gate with contact formation.
  21. Wang,Gin Jie; Peng,Chao Hsien; Wu,Chii Ming; Chang,Chih Wei; Shue,Shau Lin, Semiconductor device and fabrication method thereof.
  22. Ikeda, Harumi, Semiconductor device and method of manufacturing the same.
  23. Ikeda, Harumi, Semiconductor device and method of manufacturing the same.
  24. Lyu,Gyu Ho; Jung,Soon moon; Kim,Sung bong; Lim,Hoon; Cho,Won Seok, Semiconductor devices having high conductivity gate electrodes with conductive line patterns thereon.
  25. Krivokapic, Zoran; Pramanick, Shekhar; Cherian, Sunny, T-shaped gate device and method for making.

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