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[미국특허] VMOS Transistor and method of fabrication 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01L-029/06
출원번호 US-0097457 (1979-11-26)
발명자 / 주소
  • Schroeder James E. (Indialantic FL)
출원인 / 주소
  • Harris Corporation (Melbourne FL 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 17  인용 특허 : 10


A vertical insulated gate field effect transistor having a first conductivity layer, a second conductivity layer thereon, a third first conductivity layer thereon, a groove extending from the surface of the third layer through the second layer into the first layer, a layer of insulation and gate mat


In a vertical insulated gate field effect transistor having a first layer of a first conductivity type, a second layer of a second conductivity type on said first layer, a horizontal surface region in said seconod layer of said first conductivity type, a groove extending from said horizontal surface

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10)

  1. Ouyang ; Paul Hsiung, Double implanted planar MOS device with V-groove and process of manufacture thereof.
  2. Jenne ; Fredrick B., Epitaxial method of fabricating single IGFET memory cell with buried storage element.
  3. Rodgers Thurman J. (Palo Alto CA), Low capacitance V groove MOS NOR gate and method of manufacture.
  4. Vinson ; Mark Alexander, Method of making a V-MOS field effect transistor for a dynamic memory cell having improved capacitance.
  5. Holmes Frank E. (Willowdale CA) Salama Clement A. T. (Toronto CA), Method of making metal oxide semiconductor devices.
  6. Ouyang Paul Hsiung (950 Larkspur Ave. Sunnyvale CA 94086), Self-aligned double implanted short channel V-groove MOS device.
  7. Hoffmann Kurt (Taufkirchen DEX) Mitterer Rudolf (Gauting DEX), Semiconductor memory.
  8. Jenne Fredrick Benjamin (Los Gatos CA), Single IGFET memory cell with buried storage element.
  9. Heald David L. (Hermosa Beach CA) Lee Teh-Hsuang (Webster NY) Khosla Rajinder P. (Rochester NY), V-MOS imaging array.
  10. Rodgers Thurman J. (Palo CA), VMOS Floating gate memory with breakdown voltage lowering region.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (17)

  1. Hasvold, .O slashed.istein, Battery system.
  2. Bronner Gary B. ; Furukawa Toshiharu ; Hakey Mark C. ; Holmes Steven J. ; Horak David V. ; Mandelman Jack A. ; Rabidoux Paul A., DRAM cell with grooved transfer device.
  3. Lu Nicky C. (Yorktown Heights NY) Ning Tak H. (Yorktown Heights NY) Terman Lewis M. (South Salem NY), Dynamic ram cell with MOS trench capacitor in CMOS.
  4. Beasom, James D., Integrated circuit with a MOS capacitor.
  5. Beasom,James D., Integrated circuit with a MOS capacitor.
  6. Bronner Gary B. ; Furukawa Toshiharu ; Hakey Mark C. ; Holmes Steven J. ; Horak David V. ; Mandelman Jack A. ; Rabidoux Paul A., Method for making a DRAM cell with grooved transfer device.
  7. Shibata,Kiyoshi, Method for manufacturing semiconductor device.
  8. Edward J. Nowak ; James C. Li, Method for polysilicon crystalline line width measurement post etch in undoped-poly process.
  9. Nowak Edward J. ; Li James C., Method for polysilicon crystalline line width measurement post etch in undoped-poly process.
  10. Einthoven Willem G. (Belle Meade NJ), Method for setting the threshold voltage of a power mosfet.
  11. Einthoven Willem G. (Belle Meade NJ), Method for setting the threshold voltage of a vertical power MOSFET.
  12. Vora Madhukar B. (Los Gatos CA) Patel Vikram M. (Saratoga CA), Method of fabricating power MOSFET structure utilizing self-aligned diffusion and etching techniques.
  13. Klose Helmut, Read-only memory cell configuration with trench MOS transistor and widened drain region.
  14. Sharp, Joelle; Madson, Gordon K., Structure and method for forming a minimum pitch trench-gate FET with heavy body region.
  15. Malhi Satwinder (Garland TX), Top-drain trench based resurf DMOS transistor structure.
  16. Beitman Bruce A. (Palm Bay FL) Boucher Charles F. (Sunnyvale CA), Trench gate VCMOS.
  17. Mihara Teruyoshi (Yokosuka JPX), Vertical type MOS transistor.
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