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VDMOS transistor and manufacturing method therefor 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01L-029/68
출원번호 US-0330567 (1994-10-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Yang Sheng-Hsing (Hsinchu TWX)
출원인 / 주소
  • United Microelectronics Corp. (Hsin-Chu TWX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 122  인용 특허 : 0


A VDMOS transistor having a reduced drain/source resistance without a corresponding decrease in breakdown voltage and a manufacturing method therefor. Such a VDMOS transistor is created by gradually increasing the doping density of the transistor\s implanted regions, while simultaneously increasing


A VDMOS transistor on a semiconductor substrate, comprising: a drain electrode region of a first conductivity type in said substrate, said drain electrode region having a drain electrode region doping density (D+); an epitaxial layer of said first conductivity type formed on said drain electrode reg

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (122)

  1. Kocon,Christopher Boguslaw, Accumulation device with charge balance structure and method of forming the same.
  2. Kocon, Christopher Boguslaw; Shenoy, Praveen Muraleedharan, Accumulation-mode field effect transistor with improved current capability.
  3. Williams Richard K., Bidirectional trench gated power MOSFET with submerged body bus extending underneath gate trench.
  4. Williams Richard K., Bidirectional trench gated power mosfet with submerged body bus extending underneath gate trench.
  5. Zambrano Raffaele,ITX, DMOS device structure, and related manufacturing process.
  6. Yang, Jia-Wei; Liao, Chih-Cherng, Deep trench isolation structure of a high-voltage device and method for forming thereof.
  7. Yang,Jia Wei; Liao,Chih Cherng, Deep trench isolation structure of a high-voltage device and method for forming thereof.
  8. Hshieh Fwu-Iuan, Double gate-oxide for reducing gate-drain capacitance in trenched DMOS with high-dopant concentration buried-region under trenched gate.
  9. Sapp, Steven, Dual trench power MOSFET.
  10. Hshieh, Fwu-Iuan; Fai, Yee Ai; Keong, Ng Yeow, Elimination of gate oxide weak spot in deep trench.
  11. Bencuya, Izak; Mo, Brian Sze-Ki; Challa, Ashok, FET device having ultra-low on-resistance and low gate charge.
  12. Yang,Jia Wei; Liao,Chih Cherng, Fabrication method for a deep trench isolation structure of a high-voltage device.
  13. Tu, Kou-Way; Hsu, Hsiu-Wen; Tsai, Yi-Yun; Chang, Yuan-Shun, Fabrication method of trenched power MOSFET.
  14. Kocon, Christopher Boguslaw; Sapp, Steven; Thorup, Paul; Probst, Dean; Herrick, Robert; Losee, Becky; Yilmaz, Hamza; Rexer, Christopher Lawrence; Calafut, Daniel, Field effect transistor and schottky diode structures.
  15. Sapp, Steven; Wilson, Peter H., Field effect transistor with trench filled with insulating material and strips of semi-insulating material along trench sidewalls.
  16. Choi,Yong cheol; Jeon,Chang ki; Kim,Cheol joong, High breakdown voltage low on-resistance lateral DMOS transistor.
  17. Hshieh Fwu-Iuan ; Floyd Brian H. ; Chang Mike F. ; Nim Danny ; Ng Daniel, High density trench DMOS transistor with trench bottom implant.
  18. Thorup,Paul; Challa,Ashok; Marchant,Bruce Douglas, High density trench FET with integrated Schottky diode and method of manufacture.
  19. Yoshimochi,Kenichi, High speed power mosfet.
  20. Fujishima, Naoto; Salama, C. Andre T., Low on-resistance trench lateral MISFET with better switching characteristics and method for manufacturing same.
  21. Christopher B. Kocon ; Thomas E. Grebs ; Joseph L. Cumbo ; Rodney S. Ridley, MOS-gated power device having segmented trench and extended doping zone and process for forming same.
  22. Shenoy,Praveen Muraleedharan; Kocon,Christopher Boguslaw, MOS-gated transistor with reduced miller capacitance.
  23. Lin, Yung-Fa; Hsu, Shou-Yi; Wu, Meng-Wei; Chang, Chia-Hao, Method for fabricating power semiconductor device with super junction structure.
  24. Kocon,Christopher Boguslaw, Method for forming a semiconductor structure with improved smaller forward voltage loss and higher blocking capability.
  25. Kraft,Nathan; Kocon,Christopher Boguslaw; Thorup,Paul, Method for forming a shielded gate trench FET with the shield and gate electrodes being connected together.
  26. Herrick,Robert; Losee,Becky; Probst,Dean, Method for forming a trench MOSFET having self-aligned features.
  27. Shenoy, Praveen Muraleedharan, Method for forming accumulation-mode field effect transistor with improved current capability.
  28. Herrick, Robert; Probst, Dean; Session, Fred, Method for forming inter-poly dielectric in shielded gate field effect transistor.
  29. Darwish, Mohamed N., Method for making trench mosfet having implanted drain-drift region.
  30. Yue, Christiana; Darwish, Mohamed N.; Giles, Frederick P.; Lui, Kam Hong; Chen, Kuo-In; Terrill, Kyle; Pattanayak, Deva N., Method of fabricating trench MIS device with graduated gate oxide layer.
  31. Darwish,Mohamed N., Method of fabricating trench MIS device with thick oxide layer in bottom of trench.
  32. Bencuya, Izak; Mo, Brian Sze-Ki; Challa, Ashok, Method of forming a FET having ultra-low on-resistance and low gate charge.
  33. Bencuya, Izak; Mo, Brian Sze-Ki; Challa, Ashok, Method of forming a FET having ultra-low on-resistance and low gate charge.
  34. Marchant, Bruce D., Method of forming a dual-trench field effect transistor.
  35. Terasawa Yoshio,JPX, Method of forming a semiconductor device having a plurality of cavity defined gating regions.
  36. Kocon, Christopher Boguslaw; Yedinak, Joseph Andrew, Method of forming a trench structure having one or more diodes embedded therein adjacent a PN junction.
  37. Choi, Yong cheol; Jeon, Chang ki; Kim, Cheol joong, Method of forming high breakdown voltage low on-resistance lateral DMOS transistor.
  38. Thorup, Paul; Challa, Ashok; Marchant, Bruce Douglas, Method of forming high density trench FET with integrated Schottky diode.
  39. Kocon,Christopher Boguslaw, Method of forming schottky diode with charge balance structure.
  40. Sapp,Steven; Yilmaz,Hamza; Rexer,Christopher Lawrence; Calafut,Daniel, Method of forming trench gate field effect transistor with recessed mesas.
  41. Shenoy, Praveen Muraleedharan; Kocon, Christopher Boguslaw, Method of making a MOS-gated transistor with reduced miller capacitance.
  42. Hshieh,Fwu Iuan; So,Koon Chong; Amato,John E.; Tsui,Yan Man, Method of making a trench MOSFET device with improved on-resistance.
  43. Grebs, Thomas E.; Ridley, Rodney S.; Sapp, Steven P.; Wilson, Peter H.; Sani, Babak S.; Dolny, Gary M.; Mytych, John; Losee, Becky; Selsley, Adam; Kocon, Christopher B., Methods of forming inter-poly dielectric (IPD) layers in power semiconductor devices.
  44. Challa, Ashok; Elbanhawy, Alan; Probst, Dean E.; Sapp, Steven P.; Wilson, Peter H.; Sani, Babak S.; Losee, Becky; Herrick, Robert; Murphy, James J.; Madson, Gordon K.; Marchant, Bruce D.; Kocon, Christopher B.; Woolsey, Debra S., Methods of making power semiconductor devices with thick bottom oxide layer.
  45. Yedinak, Joseph A.; Kraft, Nathan L.; Kocon, Christopher B.; Stokes, Richard, Methods of manufacturing power semiconductor devices with shield and gate contacts.
  46. Yedinak, Joseph A.; Kraft, Nathan L., Methods of manufacturing power semiconductor devices with trenched shielded split gate transistor.
  47. Challa, Ashok; Elbanhawy, Alan; Probst, Dean E.; Sapp, Steven P.; Wilson, Peter H.; Sani, Babak S.; Losee, Becky; Herrick, Robert; Murphy, James J.; Madson, Gordon K.; Marchant, Bruce D.; Kocon, Christopher B.; Woolsey, Debra S., Methods related to power semiconductor devices with thick bottom oxide layers.
  48. Calafut, Daniel S., Power MOS device with improved gate charge performance.
  49. Herrick, Robert; Losee, Becky; Probst, Dean, Power device with self-aligned source regions.
  50. Herrick, Robert; Losee, Becky; Probst, Dean, Power device with trenches having wider upper portion than lower portion.
  51. Herrick, Robert; Losee, Becky; Probst, Dean, Power device with trenches having wider upper portion than lower portion.
  52. Herrick, Robert; Losee, Becky; Probst, Dean, Power device with trenches having wider upper portion than lower portion.
  53. Challa, Ashok, Power semiconductor devices and methods of manufacture.
  54. Challa,Ashok; Elbanhawy,Alan; Sapp,Steven P.; Wilson,Peter H.; Sani,Babak S.; Kocon,Christopher B., Power semiconductor devices and methods of manufacture.
  55. Kocon, Christopher B., Power semiconductor devices and methods of manufacture.
  56. Kocon, Christopher B., Power semiconductor devices and methods of manufacture.
  57. Challa, Ashok; Lee, Jaegil; Jung, Jinyoung; Jang, Hocheol, Power semiconductor devices having termination structures.
  58. Challa, Ashok; Lee, Jaegil; Jung, Jinyoung; Jang, Hocheol, Power semiconductor devices having termination structures and methods of manufacture.
  59. Yedinak, Joseph A.; Kraft, Nathan L.; Kocon, Christopher B.; Stokes, Richard, Power semiconductor devices with shield and gate contacts and methods of manufacture.
  60. Yedinak, Joseph A.; Kraft, Nathan L., Power semiconductor devices with trenched shielded split gate transistor and methods of manufacture.
  61. Grebs, Thomas E.; Dolny, Gary M., Power transistor with trench sinker for contacting the backside.
  62. Kocon, Christopher B.; Grebs, Thomas E.; Cumbo, Joseph L.; Ridley, Rodney S., Process for forming MOS-gated power device having segmented trench and extended doping zone.
  63. Darwish,Mohamed N.; Terrill,Kyle W.; Qi,Jainhai, Process for manufacturing trench MIS device having implanted drain-drift region and thick bottom oxide.
  64. Liu, Donghua; Qian, Wensheng, Pseudo buried layer and manufacturing method of the same, deep hole contact and bipolar transistor.
  65. Kocon,Christopher Boguslaw, Schottky diode using charge balance structure.
  66. Sapp, Steven P., Schottky rectifier with insulation-filled trenches and method of forming the same.
  67. Yoshimochi, Kenichi, Semiconductor device.
  68. Aoki, Takaaki; Kuroyanagi, Akira; Suzuki, Mikimasa; Arakawa, Takafumi; Tsuzuki, Yukio, Semiconductor device and method for manufacturing the same.
  69. Takaaki Aoki JP; Yutaka Tomatsu JP; Akira Kuroyanagi JP; Mikimasa Suzuki JP; Hajime Soga JP, Semiconductor device and method for manufacturing the same.
  70. Kim, Sang Gi; Koo, Jin-Gun; Yoo, Seong Wook; Park, Jong-Moon; Lee, Jin Ho; Na, Kyoung Il; Yang, Yil Suk; Kim, Jongdae, Semiconductor device and method of fabricating the same.
  71. Blank, Oliver; Hirler, Franz; Siemieniec, Ralf; Yip, Li Juin, Semiconductor device having termination trench.
  72. Lin, Yung-Fa, Semiconductor device with reduced miller capacitance and fabrication method thereof.
  73. Grebs, Thomas E.; Dolny, Gary M., Semiconductor power device having a top-side drain using a sinker trench.
  74. Grebs, Thomas E.; Dolny, Gary M., Semiconductor power device having a top-side drain using a sinker trench.
  75. Grebs,Thomas E.; Dolny,Gary M., Semiconductor power device having a top-side drain using a sinker trench.
  76. Bowers, Brian, Shielded gate MOSFET device with a funnel-shaped trench.
  77. Herrick,Robert; Probst,Dean; Session,Fred, Shielded gate field effect transistor with improved inter-poly dielectric.
  78. Pan, James, Shielded gate trench FET with multiple channels.
  79. Pan, James, Shielded gate trench FET with multiple channels.
  80. Kraft,Nathan; Kocon,Christopher Boguslaw; Thorup,Paul, Shielded gate trench FET with the shield and gate electrodes being connected together.
  81. Kraft, Nathan; Kocon, Christopher Boguslaw; Thorup, Paul, Shielded gate trench FET with the shield and gate electrodes connected together in non-active region.
  82. Henson, Timothy, Short channel trench MOSFET with reduced gate charge.
  83. Herrick, Robert; Losee, Becky; Probst, Dean, Structure and method for forming a trench MOSFET having self-aligned features.
  84. Tung Ming-Tsung,TWX, Structure for laterally diffused metal-oxide semiconductor.
  85. Lee, Jae-gil; Jung, Jin-young; Jang, Ho-cheol, Superjunction semiconductor device.
  86. Lee,Jae gil; Jung,Jin young; Jang,Ho cheol, Superjunction semiconductor device.
  87. Lee, JaeGil; Yun, Chongman; Jang, Hocheol; Rexer, Christopher L.; Shenoy, Praveen Muraleedharan; Reichl, Dwayne S.; Yedinak, Joseph A., Superjunction structures for power devices.
  88. Yedinak, Joseph A.; Lee, Jaegil; Yun, Chongman; Shenoy, Praveen Muraleedharan; Rexer, Christopher L., Superjunction structures for power devices.
  89. Lee, Jaegil, Superjunction structures for power devices and methods of manufacture.
  90. Yedinak, Joseph A.; Rexer, Christopher L.; Lee, Jaegil; Yilmaz, Hamza; Yun, Chongman, Superjunction structures for power devices and methods of manufacture.
  91. Yedinak, Joseph A.; Rinehimer, Mark L.; Shenoy, Praveen Muraleedharan, Superjunction structures for power devices and methods of manufacture.
  92. Yedinak, Joseph A.; Rinehimer, Mark L.; Shenoy, Praveen Muraleedharan; Lee, Jaegil; Reichl, Dwayne S.; Heidenreich, Harold, Superjunction structures for power devices and methods of manufacture.
  93. Yedinak, Joseph A.; Rinehimer, Mark L.; Shenoy, Praveen Muraleedharan; Yilmaz, Hamza; Pan, James; Ridley, Sr., Rodney S., Superjunction structures for power devices and methods of manufacture.
  94. Darwish,Mohamed N.; Terrill,Kyle W.; Qi,Jainhai; Chen,Qufei, Termination for trench MIS device having implanted drain-drift region.
  95. Darwish,Mohamed N.; Terrill,Kyle W.; Qi,Jainhai; Chen,Qufei, Termination for trench MIS device having implanted drain-drift region.
  96. Beilstein ; Jr. Kenneth Edward ; Bertin Claude Louis ; Cronin John Edward ; White Francis Roger, Three-dimensional SRAM trench structure and fabrication method therefor.
  97. Darwish,Mohamed N.; Owyang,King, Trench MIS device having implanted drain-drift region and thick bottom oxide.
  98. Darwish,Mohamed N.; Terrill,Kyle W.; Qi,Jainhai, Trench MIS device having implanted drain-drift region and thick bottom oxide.
  99. Darwish,Mohamed N.; Owyang,King, Trench MIS device having implanted drain-drift region and thick bottom oxide and process for manufacturing the same.
  100. Darwish, Mohamed N.; Yue, Christiana; Giles, Frederick P.; Lui, Kam Hong; Chen, Kuo-In; Terrill, Kyle; Pattanayak, Deva N., Trench MIS device with graduated gate oxide layer.
  101. Darwish,Mohamed N., Trench MIS device with thick oxide layer in bottom of gate contact trench.
  102. Grebs, Thomas E., Trench MOS barrier schottky rectifier with a planar surface using CMP techniques.
  103. Grebs, Thomas E., Trench MOS barrier schottky rectifier with a planar surface using CMP techniques.
  104. Blanchard Richard A., Trench MOS-gated device.
  105. Hshieh, Fwu-Iuan; So, Koon Chong; Amato, John E.; Tsui, Yan Man, Trench MOSFET device with improved on-resistance.
  106. Hshieh, Fwu-Iuan; So, Koon Chong, Trench MOSFET having low gate charge.
  107. Hshieh, Fwu-Iuan; So, Koon Chong, Trench MOSFET having low gate charge.
  108. Wilson,Peter H.; Sapp,Steven; Thornton,Neill, Trench gate laterally diffused MOSFET devices and methods for making such devices.
  109. Kocon,Christopher Boguslaw; Yedinak,Joseph Andrew, Trench structure having one or more diodes embedded therein adjacent a PN junction.
  110. Hirler, Franz; Pfirsch, Frank, Trench transistor and method for fabricating a trench transistor with high-energy-implanted drain.
  111. Witek Keith E., Trench transistor structure comprising at least two vertical transistors.
  112. Yedinak, Joseph A.; Challa, Ashok; Kinzer, Daniel M.; Probst, Dean E.; Calafut, Daniel, Trench-based power semiconductor devices with increased breakdown voltage characteristics.
  113. Yedinak, Joseph A.; Challa, Ashok; Kinzer, Daniel M.; Probst, Dean E.; Calafut, Daniel, Trench-based power semiconductor devices with increased breakdown voltage characteristics.
  114. Wilson, Peter H.; Sapp, Steven, Trench-gate LDMOS structures.
  115. Wilson, Peter H.; Sapp, Steven, Trench-gate LDMOS structures.
  116. Aoki,Takaaki; Tomatsu,Yutaka; Kuroyanagi,Akira; Suzuki,Mikimasa; Soga,Hajime, Trench-gate transistor with ono gate dielectric and fabrication process therefor.
  117. Challa, Ashok; Elbanhawy, Alan; Sapp, Steven P.; Wilson, Peter H.; Sani, Babak S.; Kocon, Christopher B., Trenched shield gate power semiconductor devices and methods of manufacture.
  118. Bencuya, Izak; Mo, Brian Sze-Ki; Challa, Ashok, Vertical MOSFET with ultra-low resistance and low gate charge.
  119. Sapp, Steven; Wilson, Peter H., Vertical charge control semiconductor device.
  120. Sapp,Steven; Wilson,Peter H., Vertical charge control semiconductor device with low output capacitance.
  121. Mori Kiyoshi, Vertical floating gate transistor with epitaxial channel.
  122. Mori Kiyoshi, Vertical floating gate transistor with epitaxial channel.
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