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Method and apparatus for making well screen 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B23K-011/00
출원번호 US-0011035 (1979-02-12)
발명자 / 주소
  • Wilson Hill D. (Houston TX) Corgey Norman R. (Houston TX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Houston Well Screen Company (Houston TX 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 15  인용 특허 : 0


A rod-based well screen is formed in place on a perforated pipe base by wrapping wire around the pipe base and a plurality of rods located around the outside of the pipe. The wire is welded sequentially to each individual rod as it is wrapped around the pipe. The welding and ground electrodes engage


A method of making a rod-based screen in place on a perforated pipe base comprising the steps of mounting a perforated pipe for rotation around its longitudinal axis positioning a plurality of rods along the outer surface of the pipe rotating the pipe and the rods to wrap a wire in spaced helical co

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (15)

  1. Allford,Daniel, Apparatus for manufacturing wire wound filter screens.
  2. Scott, Steven W.; Bakke, Steinar, Flow control system with sand screen.
  3. Arterbury Bryant A. (Houston TX), Low profile dual screen prepack.
  4. Roaldsnes, Kjartan, Manufacturing of sand screens.
  5. Petrov, Yuriy Maksimovich, Metal-containing polymeric reinforced pipe, method for manufacturing same and pipeline produced using said pipe.
  6. Roaldsnes, Kjartan, Method of making a sand screen on a base pipe.
  7. Cooper, Carl; Vu, Phong, Methods of assembling well screens.
  8. Dick,Ronald L., Pipe collets.
  9. Rouse,Bill; Miller,Ken; Bode,Jeffrey, Slip on screen with expanded base pipe.
  10. Rouse,Bill; Miller,Ken; Bode,Jeffrey, Slip on screen with expanded base pipe.
  11. Scott, Steven W.; Bakke, Steinar; Zarnowiecki, John, System and method for filtering sand in a wellbore.
  12. Hill, Stephen D.; Leising, Lawrence J.; Espinosa, Frank, System and method utilizing a compliant well screen.
  13. Everritt, Steven Mark; Cooper, Carl; Parmely, Art; Grifno, Richard, Welding pressure control apparatus and method.
  14. Kluger, Dieter Adolf; Dowsett, Graeme John, Well screen.
  15. Dyson, Kendall R.; Angelle, Simon, Wire wrap screen manufacturing method.
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