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Wire-wrapped well screen 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E21B-043/08
출원번호 US-0904883 (1997-08-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Spray Jeffrey A.
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 13  인용 특허 : 0


A well screen for placement within wells used to filter out impurities from the fluid entering the well. In the preferred embodiment, the well screen comprises a spirally-wound wire forming a cylinder with gaps between the layers of wire. The layers of wire are attached by spacers placed within the


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A well screen, comprising:(a) a wire wound spirally to form a porous cylinder having a plurality of spaced-apart windings, said cylinder including an outer surface and an inner surface;(b) a plurality of spacers positioned in spaces between said windings, said spacers inc

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (13)

  1. Michel, Donald H., Apparatus and method for gravel packing.
  2. Michel,Donald H., Apparatus and method for gravel packing.
  3. Michel,Donald H., Apparatus and method for gravel packing.
  4. Bakker, Thomas Walburgis; Van Belle, Bart Christian, Apparatus for completing a subterranean well and method of using same.
  5. Hagen, David L., Bendable strain relief fluid filter liner, method and apparatus.
  6. Spray, Jeffery A., Expandable tubulars for use in geologic structures, methods for expanding tubulars, and methods of manufacturing expandable tubulars.
  7. Hagen, David L., Method and apparatus for strain relief in thermal liners for fluid transfer.
  8. Jacobs,Christopher A.; Henry,James C., System and method for pumping fluids.
  9. Gillespie, George A.; Bruxelle, David; Malbrel, Christophe; Vu, Phong; Neal, Michael William, Well screen.
  10. Fripp, Michael L.; Simonds, Floyd R.; Lopez, Jean-Marc; Hamid, Syed; Kyle, Donald G.; Dykstra, Jason, Well screens constructed utilizing pre-formed annular elements.
  11. Fripp, Michael L.; Simonds, Floyd R.; Lopez, Jean-Marc; Hamid, Syed; Kyle, Donald G.; Dykstra, Jason, Well screens constructed utilizing pre-formed annular elements.
  12. Spray Jeffery A., Wire-wrapped well screen.
  13. Spray Jeffery A. ; Schwimmer Donald D., Wire-wrapped well screen.
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