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Photoresist curing method 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G03C-005/16
출원번호 US-0401318 (1982-07-23)
발명자 / 주소
  • Panico C. Richard (21 Leighton St. Medford MA 02155)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 10  인용 특허 : 1


A method of post-development cure of photoresists is described wherein the substrate carrying the developed photoresist is positioned within 6.0 cm of a flash lamp and flashed with visible light to effect a cure in 30 seconds or less.


In a method of forming optically delineated circuits comprising applying a photoresist to a substrate; exposing said photoresist to a photoexposure of a circuit pattern; developing said photoresist by washing away the unexposed portions; curing the remaining photoresist; and treating the exposed sub

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (1)

  1. Panico C. Richard (Medford MA), Apparatus for rapid curing of resinous materials and method.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (10)

  1. Fayfield Robert T. ; Schwab Brent, Apparatus for processing both sides of a microelectronic device precursor.
  2. Butterbaugh,Jeffery W.; Gray,David C.; Fayfield,Robert T.; Siefering,Kevin; Heitzinger,John; Hiatt,Fred C., Apparatus for surface conditioning.
  3. Strobbel, Nicolas; Marty, Stephane; Graffeo, Alphonse; Gueraud, Jean-Claude, Device for purifying fluid with photonic pulses.
  4. Fayfield Robert T. ; Schwab Brent, Equipment for UV wafer heating and photochemistry.
  5. Fayfield, Robert T.; Schwab, Brent, Equipment for UV wafer heating and photochemistry.
  6. Yokota Masami (Hiratsuka JPX) Sugitani Hiroshi (Machida JPX) Inamoto Tadayoshi (Hiratsuka JPX), Method for producing ink jet recording head.
  7. Fogg, Benjamin; Hofferbert, David, Method for sanitizing/sterilizing a container/enclosure via controlled exposure to electromagnetic radiation.
  8. Jeffery W. Butterbaugh ; Brent Schwab, Method of surface preparation.
  9. Moritz Holger (Holzgerlingen DEX) Pfeiffer Gerd (Holzgerlingen DEX), Production of a lift-off mask and its application.
  10. Panico,C. Richard; Panico,Louis R., Spiral-shaped lamp for UV curing of coatings and bonding for a digital versatile disk (DVD) or compact disk (CD).
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