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[미국특허] Process for plasma desmear etching of printed circuit boards and apparatus used therein 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B44C-001/22
  • C03C-015/00
  • C03C-025/06
  • B29C-017/08
출원번호 US-0597676 (1984-04-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • Frohlich Sigurd (Santa Barbara CA) Morris James V. (El Toro CA)
출원인 / 주소
  • BMC Industries, Inc. (Saint Paul MN 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 12  인용 특허 : 6


The inconsistent etch-back characteristics of conventional plasma treatment of multilayered printed circuit boards, are overcome by use of a shield, preferably of aluminum, temporarily affixed to each surface of the circuit board during the plasma desmear and etch process. The shield is sufficient s


An improved process for desmearing and etching the drilled apertures of a multilayered printed circuit board, the board of the type having a plurality of laminated layers, the process of the type that employs an evacuatable chamber having at least one pair of electrode plates for generating a plasma

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (6)

  1. Provancher Donald A. (ChulaVista CA), Laser chem-milling method, apparatus and structure resulting therefrom.
  2. Phillips Eugene (Diamond Bar CA), Method for conditioning drilled holes in multilayer wiring boards.
  3. Fazlin Fazal A. (Saint Anthony Village MN), Plasma desmearing apparatus and method.
  4. Engle Frank W. (Pleasanton CA), Plasma reactor and method therefor.
  5. Shanefield Daniel J. (Princeton Township ; Mercer County NJ) Verdi Fred W. (Lawrence Township ; Mercer County NJ), Printed wiring boards.
  6. Bartlett Charles J. (Madison NJ) Rhodes Ronald J. (South Plainfield NJ) Rust Ray D. (Berkeley Heights NJ), Treating multilayer printed wiring boards.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (12)

  1. Suzuki, Naoki; Nakamura, Youichi; Tomita, Kazuyuki, Board cleaning method, board cleaning apparatus, and component mounting method.
  2. Westfall Raymond T. (Seminole FL) Feldl Erich J. (Seminole FL), Continuous gas plasma etching apparatus and method.
  3. Barkanic John A. (Schnecksville PA) Reynolds Donna M. (Pottsville PA), Desmear and etchback using NF3/O2 gas mixtures.
  4. Kumar, Ajay; Chandrachood, Madhavi R.; Lewington, Richard; Bivens, Darin; Sabharwal, Amitabh; Panayil, Sheeba J.; Ouye, Alan Hiroshi, Method and apparatus for photomask plasma etching.
  5. Todorow, Valentin N.; Holland, John P.; Willwerth, Michael D., Method and apparatus for stable plasma processing.
  6. Todorow, Valentin N.; Holland, John P.; Willwerth, Michael D., Method and apparatus for stable plasma processing.
  7. Fazlin Fazal A. (St. Petersburg FL), Paired electrodes for plasma chambers.
  8. Sekine Makoto (Yokohama JPX) Okano Haruo (Tokyo JPX) Horiike Yasuhiro (Tokyo JPX), Phototreating apparatus.
  9. Tiffin Paula K. (Garland TX), Plasma etching of blind vias in printed wiring board dielectric.
  10. Egitto Frank D. (Binghamton NY) Emmi Francis (Binghamton NY) Mlynko Walter E. (Vestal NY) Susko Robin A. (Owego NY), Process for removing contaminant.
  11. Mlynko Walter E. (Burlington VT), Process for removing contaminant.
  12. Aung David K. (7 Kimbercroft Court Scarborough ; Ontario CAX M1S 4K7), Sputter etching and coating process.

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