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[미국특허] Electrostatic accelerometer 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01P-015/125
  • G01P-003/44
출원번호 US-0584405 (1984-02-28)
우선권정보 FR-0003257 (1983-02-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Bernard Alain M. (Fresnes FRX) Sacleux Bernard (Plessis Robinson FRX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Office National d\Etudes et de Recherches Aerospatiales (O.N.E.R.A.) (FRX 07)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 56  인용 특허 : 1


A tridimensional electrostatic accelerometer comprises a cube-shaped test weight. On each of the six faces of the cube is a pair of conducting electrodes. A hollow cage accommodates the test weight and twelve electrodes on the cage to form, with the test weight electrodes, three sets of four capacit


A tridimensional electrostatic accelerometer comprising: a cube-shaped test weight having six faces; a pair of conducting electrodes on each of the six faces of said cube-shaped test weight, two of said electrodes being adjacent on each face and the electrodes on two parallel faces of the cube being

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (1)

  1. Bernard Alain M. (Fresnes FRX), Electrostatic accelerometer.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (56)

  1. Esashi, Masayoshi; Murakoshi, Takao; Nakamura, Shigeru; Takeda, Nobuo, Accelerometer and spherical sensor type measuring instrument.
  2. Northrop, Clay W.; Layman, Ted W., Alternative micromachined structures.
  3. Jeenicke Edmund,DEX ; Mattes Bernhard,DEX ; Condne Claus,DEX ; Henne Michael,DEX, Apparatus and method for tripping a system for the protection of occupants of a vehicle.
  4. Voeller, Virgil F.; Northrop, Clay; Layman, Ted, Catheter with an improved flexural rigidity profile.
  5. Storbeck, Gene Thomas; Rubesch, Timothy Lawrence, Catheters and catheter shafts.
  6. Weber ; Jr. Gerard Vincent, Charged mass thin film condenser accelerometer.
  7. Parins, David J., Composite elongate medical device including distal tubular member.
  8. Robert E. Stewart ; Stanley F. Wyse, Counterbalanced silicon tuned multiple accelerometer-gyro.
  9. Chen, Hancun; Lin, Horng-Ban; Zhou, Pu, Crossing guidewire.
  10. Bernard Alain M. (Fresnes FRX) Canny Jean-Paul L. (Villemonble FRX) Touboul Pierre L. (Bois d\Arcy FRX), Device for electrostatically suspending a body or sample.
  11. Bernard Alain (Fresnes FRX) Touboul Pierre (Guyancourt FRX), Electrostatic accelerometer with dual electrical connection to its test mass.
  12. Chen, Sheng Jui; Pan, Hsiao Hsi, Electrostatic force generator and force measurement system and accelerometer having the same.
  13. Voeller, Virgil F.; Northrop, Clay W.; Crank, Justin M.; Layman, Ted W., Elongate medical device having enhanced torque and methods thereof.
  14. Griffin, Stephen; Lim, Elaine; Chan, Huey Quoc, Elongate medical device with continuous reinforcement member.
  15. Griffin, Stephen; Lim, Elaine; Chan, Huey Quoc, Elongate medical device with continuous reinforcement member.
  16. Stuart Keith O. (Cypress CA), Force and torque measurement system.
  17. Voeller, Virgil F.; Northrop, Clay; Layman, Ted, Guidewire with an improved flexural rigidity profile.
  18. Northrop, Clay; Layman, Ted, Guidewires and methods for making and using the same.
  19. Zhou, Pu; Lin, Horng-Ban; Chen, Hancun; Feng, James, Guidewires including a porous nickel-titanium alloy.
  20. Morrison Melvin M. (6530 Independence Ave. #207 Canoga Park CA 91303), Inertial measurement unit.
  21. Griffin, Stephen A.; Lim, Elaine; Mirigian, Gregory E., Medical device.
  22. Griffin, Stephen A.; Lim, Elaine; Mirigian, Gregory E., Medical device.
  23. Griffin, Stephen A.; Lim, Elaine; Mirigian, Gregory E., Medical device.
  24. Griffin, Stephen; Lim, Elaine; Mirigian, Gregory E., Medical device.
  25. Griffin, Stephen; Lim, Elaine; Mirigian, Gregory E., Medical device.
  26. Griffin, Stephen; Lim, Elaine; Mirigian, Gregory E., Medical device.
  27. Griffin, Stephen; Lim, Elaine; Mirigian, Gregory E., Medical device.
  28. Skujins, Peter; Reynolds, Brian R., Medical device for crossing an occlusion in a vessel.
  29. Davis, Clark C.; Jacobsen, Stephen C.; Northrop, Clay W.; Layman, Ted W.; Olson, Kevin T.; Snyder, Edward J.; Backman, D. Kent; Turnlund, Todd H., Medical device for navigation through anatomy and method of making same.
  30. Davis, Clark C.; Jacobsen, Stephen C.; Northrop, Clay W.; Layman, Ted W.; Olson, Kevin T.; Snyder, Edward J.; Backman, D. Kent; Turnlund, Todd H., Medical device for navigation through anatomy and method of making same.
  31. Davis, Clark C.; Jacobsen, Stephen C.; Northrop, Clay W.; Layman, Ted W.; Olson, Kevin T.; Snyder, Edward J.; Backman, D. Kent; Turnlund, Todd H., Medical device for navigation through anatomy and method of making same.
  32. Jacobsen, Stephen C.; Davis, Clark C.; Northrop, Clay W.; Layman, Ted W.; Olson, Kevin T.; Snyder, Edward J.; Backman, D. Kent; Turnlund, Todd H., Medical device for navigation through anatomy and method of making same.
  33. Jacobsen, Stephen C.; Davis, Clark C.; Northrop, Clay W.; Layman, Ted W.; Olson, Kevin T.; Snyder, Edward J.; Backman, D. Kent; Turnlund, Todd H., Medical device for navigation through anatomy and method of making same.
  34. Jacobsen, Stephen C.; Davis, Clark C.; Northrop, Clay W.; Layman, Ted W.; Olson, Kevin T.; Snyder, Edward J.; Backman, D. Kent; Turnlund, Todd H., Medical device for navigation through anatomy and method of making same.
  35. Jacobsen, Stephen C.; Davis, Clark C.; Northrop, Clay W.; Layman, Ted W.; Olson, Kevin T.; Snyder, Edward J.; Backman, D. Kent; Turnlund, Todd H., Medical device for navigation through anatomy and method of making same.
  36. Jacobsen, Stephen C.; Davis, Clark C.; Northrop, Clay W.; Layman, Ted W.; Olson, Kevin T.; Snyder, Edward J.; Backman, D. Kent; Turnlund, Todd H., Medical device for navigation through anatomy and method of making same.
  37. Jacobsen, Stephen C.; Davis, Clark C.; Northrop, Clay W.; Layman, Ted W.; Olson, Kevin T.; Snyder, Edward J.; Backman, D. Kent; Turnlund, Todd H., Medical device for navigation through anatomy and method of making same.
  38. Vrba, Anthony C., Medical device including structure for crossing an occlusion in a vessel.
  39. Vrba, Anthony C., Medical device including structure for crossing an occlusion in a vessel.
  40. Euteneuer, Charles L.; Vrba, Anthony C., Medical device with push force limiter.
  41. Shireman, Brice L., Medical devices and tapered tubular members for use in medical devices.
  42. Northrop, Clay; Layman, Ted, Medical devices with a heat transfer region and a heat sink region and methods for manufacturing medical devices.
  43. Layman, Ted; Northrop, Clay W., Medical devices with a slotted tubular member having improved stress distribution.
  44. Reynolds, Brian R.; Skujins, Peter; Johnson, Dave; Eskuri, Alan D., Method of making elongated medical devices.
  45. Turnlund, Todd H.; Kerby, Walter Lynn, Microfabricated catheter with improved bonding structure.
  46. Layman, Ted W.; Northrop, Clay W., Micromachined composite guidewire structure with anisotropic bending properties.
  47. Hulsing ; II Rand H., Micromachined rate and acceleration sensor.
  48. Hulsing ; II Rand H. (Redmond WA), Micromachined rate and acceleration sensor.
  49. Petri Fred J., Micromachined rate and acceleration sensor and method.
  50. Stewart, Robert E., Micromachined silicon gyro using tuned accelerometer.
  51. Hsu, Louis L.; Ouyang, Xu; Yang, Chih-Chao, Modularized three-dimensional capacitor array.
  52. Hsu, Louis L.; Ouyang, Xu; Yang, Chih-Chao, Modularized three-dimensional capacitor array.
  53. Hsu, Louis L.; Ouyang, Xu; Yang, Chih-Chao, Modularized three-dimensional capacitor array.
  54. Stewart, Robert E.; Wyse, Stanley F., Phase insensitive quadrature nulling method and apparatus for coriolis angular rate sensors.
  55. Snyder, Edward J.; Davis, Clark C.; Turnlund, Todd H., Torqueable soft tip medical device and method of usage.
  56. Zhou, Pu; Wang, Ling, Unbalanced reinforcement members for medical device.

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