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Coupling unit for the operative monitoring of the high-voltage wingings and the connected output leads in electric high- 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01R-031/32
출원번호 US-0033156 (1987-02-13)
우선권정보 DE-3521576 (1985-06-15); DE-3526149 (1985-07-22)
국제출원번호 PCT/DE85/00527
§371/§102 date 19870213 (19870213)
발명자 / 주소
  • Grnewald Peter (Essen DEX) Koziel Reinhold (Mlheim DEX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Kraftwerk Union Aktiengesellschaft (Mlheim DEX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 12  인용 특허 : 0


Coupling unit for the operational monitoring of the high-voltage winding (SW) and the connected electric output lines in electric high-voltage machines and apparatus, particularly of three-phase stator windings in turbo-generators including their generator output lines (5.1, 5.2, 5.3) and/or in tran


A coupling unit for operational monitoring of high voltage windings and connected electric output leads in electric high-voltage machines and apparatus, said machines and apparatus having at least one phase lead, divided into high voltage cells each having a floor, including stator windings in turbo

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (12)

  1. Shiota Tetsu (Osaka JPX) Tokura Hideki (Osaka JPX) Morimoto Kenji (Osaka JPX) Tanaka Takaho (Osaka JPX) Kaneda Yoshiharu (Hyogo JPX) Itoh Keiichi (Hyogo JPX) Kimura Ken (Hyogo JPX) Kitamura Shigeo (H, Abnormality detecting method and apparatus for electric equipment, particularly for a rotating electric machine.
  2. Sugimura, Naoaki, Battery monitoring system and semiconductor device.
  3. Joho, Reinhard, Generator switch.
  4. Nagi Mahmoud Hilal, High voltage switch and switching process for impulse measurement.
  5. Steennis Evert Frederik,NLX ; Pultrum Edwin,NLX ; Wouters Petrus Arnoldus Antonius Francisca,NLX ; Van Heesch Egbertus Johannes Maria,NLX, Measurement system for partial discharges on dielectrics in coaxial cables.
  6. Grunewald Peter,DEX ; Weidner Jurgen,DEX ; Koziel Reinhold,DEX, Method and apparatus for decoupling a high-frequency error signal from a high-frequency electromagnetic field in a heavy.
  7. Saigo Akira (Chiba JPX) Maezawa Shigenari (Kashiwa JPX) Kageyama Tomoaki (Kuga JPX) Ishikura Keizaburo (Kuga JPX) Sera Akio (Kuga JPX) Suehiro Junji (Otake JPX), Method of and apparatus for assessing insulation conditions.
  8. Krahn John Raymond, Partial discharge coupler.
  9. Krahn John Raymond ; Reed Clive William, Partial discharge coupler.
  10. Twerdochlib, Michael, Partial discharge coupler for application on high voltage generator bus works.
  11. Campbell Steven R. (43 Methuen Avenue Toronto ; Ontario CAX M6S 1Z7), Partial discharge detection method and apparatus.
  12. Kliman Gerald Burt ; Krahn John Raymond ; Lester Howard Leroy ; Glaser John Stanley ; Premerlani William James, System and apparatus for predicting failure in insulated systems.
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