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Partial discharge coupler 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H02H-003/00
출원번호 US-0428161 (1999-10-27)
발명자 / 주소
  • Krahn John Raymond
출원인 / 주소
  • General Electric Company
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 10  인용 특허 : 14


A partial discharge (PD) coupler for coupling electrical machinery to partial discharge analysis testing equipment includes at least one capacitor capable of withstanding high voltages; a current sensor for sensing current passed by the at least one capacitor; and potting material surrounding the at


[ What is claimed is:] [1.]1. A partial discharge (PD) coupler for coupling electrical machinery to partial discharge analysis testing equipment, the PD coupler comprising:at least one capacitor capable of withstanding high voltages;a current sensor for sensing current passed by the at least one cap

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (14)

  1. Pruett Donald N. (Carson City NV), Ceramic cased capacitor.
  2. Grnewald Peter (Essen DEX) Koziel Reinhold (Mlheim DEX), Coupling unit for the operative monitoring of the high-voltage wingings and the connected output leads in electric high-.
  3. Fox Donald J. (Wauwatosa WI) Schuster Thomas M. (Waukesha WI), Encapsulated microcircuit package and method for assembly thereof.
  4. Franklin Robert W. (Paignton GB3), Fuse for electronic component.
  5. Malinaric Paul J. (Groton MA) Squitieri Vincent (Billerica MA), High powered over-voltage protection.
  6. Covington Arthur K. (Newcastle Upon Tyne GB2) Sibbald Alastair (Whitley Bay GB2), Microelectronic sensor assembly.
  7. Titus Charles H. (Newtown Square PA), Overvoltage protection for high voltage shunt capacitor banks.
  8. Fujino Shinichi (Chikugo City JPX), Package type fused solid electrolytic capacitor.
  9. Krahn John Raymond ; Reed Clive William, Partial discharge coupler.
  10. Maeda Takao (Kawasaki JPX) Nishizawa Tatsuo (Kawasaki JPX) Watanabe Kenji (Kawasaki JPX), Partial discharge detecting device for resin-molded transformer.
  11. Hardman Bruce B. (Clifton Park NY) Dujack George M. (Troy NY), Self-bonding silicone rubber compositions.
  12. Long Jon M. (Livermore CA) Sidorovsky Rachel S. (San Jose CA) Steidl Michael J. (San Jose CA) Murphy Adrian (San Jose CA) Sen Bidyut (Milpitas CA), Semiconductor device package and method of making such a package.
  13. Colburn Richard H. (Saugus CA) Anderhalt Donald A. (Valencia CA) Stevenson Robert A. (Canyon Country CA), Series feed-through capacitor.
  14. Meltzer Aaron D. (Carnegie PA) Wicks Douglas A. (Mt. Lebanon PA) Pielartzik Harald (Pittsburgh PA), Thermoset compositions based on nylon-1.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (10)

  1. Cern, Yehuda, Analyzing partial discharge in an electric power distribution system.
  2. Ernest, Philippe; Abonneau-Casteignau, Laurence; Liffran, Florent, High-voltage generator for an x-ray apparatus comprising a high-voltage measurement device.
  3. Koo, Ja Yoon; Kim, Jee Hong, Hybrid type sensor for detecting high frequency partial discharge.
  4. Younsi, Abdelkrim; Salem, Sameh Ramadan, Methods and apparatus for analyzing partial discharge in electrical machinery.
  5. Gao, Guanzhong; Reed, Clive W.; Korman, Charles S.; Herd, Kenneth G., Monitoring system and method for wiring systems.
  6. Twerdochlib, Michael, Partial discharge coupler for application on high voltage generator bus works.
  7. Koziel, Reinhold, Radio frequency oscillation detector.
  8. Miskell, Thomas J.; Tan, Zhenyu; Petriel, Kevin J.; Carvalho, Carlos E.; Lavon, Ronie, System and method for optimizing sweep delay and aliasing for time domain reflectometric measurement of liquid height within a tank.
  9. Lavon, Ronie; Carvalho, Carlos Eduardo; Miskell, Thomas; Rizzo, Vincent; Petriel, Kevin John, TDR fluid level sensor.
  10. Carvalho, Carlos E.; Ki, George, Vessel probe connector with solid dielectric therein.
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