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[미국특허] Fence or railing 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • E04H-017/14
출원번호 US-0190902 (1988-05-06)
발명자 / 주소
  • Veilleux Clement (P.O. Box 685 St Basile le Grand
  • Quebec CAX J0L 1S0)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 80  인용 특허 : 3


A fence or railing is disclosed which comprises a generally square vertical post formed, along each outer wall, with a U-shaped channel running its full length; the sidewalls of the channels defining two guide slots and the post further having a non-circular central open-ended bore. This central bor


A fence or railing comprising: an elongated vertical post, of essentially rectangular constant cross-section, made in one piece of extruded plastic material and formed, along the full length of each of the outer walls thereof, with an inwardly directed U-shaped channel having sidewalls defining two

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (3)

  1. Tornya Andrew G. (207 Edgecliff Rd. Woollahra ; N.S.W. ; 2025 AUX), Balustrade construction.
  2. Tornya Isolde (207 Edgecliff Road Edgecliff ; N.S.W. ; 2025 AUX), Balustrade construction.
  3. Dutch Geoffrey C. (Fennell Bay AUX) Dutch Trevor K. (Narrabri AUX), Fencing and like structures.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (80)

  1. Toro, Joseph, Adjustable gate.
  2. Volin, Dee, Adjustable gate, having multiple guttering systems, multiple impact-absorbing systems, multiple anti-warping systems, multiple anti-sagging systems, multiple personal-injury-eliminating systems, and self-centering angle-locking safety truss.
  3. Fendler Larry R., Angle adjustable retaining wall and fencing system.
  4. Fattori, James G., Apparatus and method for post mount guide.
  5. Giralt,Pedro P., Apparatus for pedestrian railing with snap-in spacer and method of making.
  6. Petta,Gabriel; Ohrstrom,Rolf J., Baluster.
  7. Moore,Daniel L.; Burrell,Terry D., Baluster driver tool and method of using same.
  8. Richard James Merrick, Century fence post finial.
  9. McGinness, William G.; Heath, Randall; Coen, Maurice, Compression post mount.
  10. Poma, Frank, Corrosion resistant railing insert and method for installation.
  11. John T. Forbis, Exterior surface of a fence rail.
  12. Forbis,John T., Fence panel.
  13. John T. Forbis, Fence panel.
  14. John T. Forbis, Fence panel.
  15. John T. Forbis, Fence panel.
  16. John T. Forbis, Fence panel.
  17. John T. Forbis, Fence panel.
  18. Whitaker, III, William L.; Whitaker, James Dale, Fence panel.
  19. Arnold James L. (6223 Greenway Forest Houston TX 77088), Fence panel assembly and fence.
  20. Knudsen, N. Eric, Fence panel systems and methods.
  21. Knudsen, N. Eric, Fence panel systems and methods.
  22. Richard James Merrick, Fence post finial skirt.
  23. Merrick, Richard James, Fence post finials.
  24. Dixon, Wayne; DeZolt, Mark, Fence rail.
  25. Forbis John T., Fence rail.
  26. Forbis, John T., Fence rail.
  27. DeSouza Joseph, Fence section.
  28. Forbis John T., Fence system.
  29. McCarthy, Peter; De Zen, Vic; Ohrstrom, Rolf J., Fence system.
  30. Simioni Lino,CAXITX K2C 3H2, Fence system.
  31. Platt,Robert E., Fencing system and post insert for use therewith.
  32. Nicholas C. Tambakis, Fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) composite structural system for decks, docks, boardwalks, walkways, spa decks, hot tub decks and gazebos and components therefore and method of making same.
  33. Walker, Simon, Grooved railing system.
  34. Atwood William D., Guardrail block.
  35. Forbis, John T., Interior and exterior surface of a fence panel.
  36. Forbis, John T., Interior and exterior surface of a fence rail.
  37. Bourque, Christopher C.; Waters, Eric S., Length of fence railing.
  38. Bourque, Christopher C.; Waters, Eric S., Length of fence railing.
  39. Bourque, Christopher C.; Waters, Eric S., Length of fence railing.
  40. Greenberg,Harold H.; Campbell, Jr.,Richard C., Masonry wall supported fence and method.
  41. Lesenskyj Anthony, Method and apparatus for forming railing sections.
  42. Clark, Phil, Method for interconnection of structural components.
  43. Forbis John T., Method of assembling a fence.
  44. Rowley,Michael; Kurth,David, Methods and apparatus for fencing and other structures.
  45. Rowley,Michael; Kurth,David, Methods and apparatus for fencing and other structures.
  46. Erwin Ronald D., Modular composite railing.
  47. King, Marc J.; King, Rubie Jewel, Modular fence kit.
  48. Vyvoda Frank (P.O. Box 23071 Honolulu HI 96823-3071), Modular wrought iron grid.
  49. Merrick Richard James, Opinion fence post finial.
  50. Stephen W. Michael ; John M. Pastore ; James R. Hall, Jr., Outdoor railing system and rails.
  51. Walker, Simon, Picket spacer for railing system.
  52. Merrick Richard James, Pinion fence post finial.
  53. Curatolo, Tony, Plastic deck railing.
  54. Willis Mark C., Plastic decking and securement system and method of installation.
  55. Willis Mark C. (4215 Hart Rd. Richfield OH 44256), Plastic decking and securement system and method of installation.
  56. Svalbe,John, Plastic fence.
  57. DeSouza Joseph, Plastic fence construction.
  58. Joseph DeSouza, Plastic fence construction.
  59. De Zen Vic,CAXITX L4L 1A6, Plastic fencing and components therefor.
  60. Gross, John; Walker, Simon; Fan, Frank; Zhu, Wei Min, Post anchor.
  61. Glenn R. Elsasser CA, Post and rail system using extrudable plastic posts.
  62. Chaney Michael T. ; Hauberg Jonathan C. ; Siudzinski Paul A., Post and railing system.
  63. Petta,Gabriel; Ohrstrom,Rolf J., Post cap.
  64. Platt Robert E., Post mount.
  65. Platt, Robert E., Post mount.
  66. Offutt Craig R., Post support frame and method for making same.
  67. McCarthy,Peter, Post support system.
  68. Walker, Simon, Post system for a railing.
  69. Lo, Chong-Yi, Railing.
  70. Petta, Gabriel; Ohrstrom, Rolf J., Railing system.
  71. Merrick Richard James, Sarepta fence post finial.
  72. Petta, Gabriel; Ohrstrom, Rolf J., Slide connector and railing system incorporting same.
  73. Edgman Thomas J. (Farmers Branch TX), Snap together plastic fence.
  74. Merrick Richard James, Stanford deluxe fence post finial.
  75. Merrick Richard James, Stanford fence post finial.
  76. Oliveri Paul S. ; Messina Camilo P., Structural covering.
  77. Petta, Gabriel; Ohrstrom, Rolf J., Synthetic arched baluster.
  78. Clark, Phil, System for interconnection of structural components.
  79. Szczekocki,Darius A., T-shaped fence rail.
  80. Peters, Samuel M.; Hecht, Matt, Universal pedestal mounting assembly.

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