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[미국특허] Semiconductor strain detector 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01L-001/00
출원번호 US-0458538 (1989-12-28)
우선권정보 JP-0333863 (1988-12-28)
발명자 / 주소
  • Sugiyama Susumu (Nagoya JPX) Yamashita Shiro (Aichi JPX) Funabashi Hirofumi (Aichi JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Kabushiki Kaisha Toyota Chuo Kenkyusho (Aichi JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 15  인용 특허 : 5


In a semiconductor strain detector, the temperature characteristic of the output of a zero-point temperature compensating circuit is added to the zero-point temperature characteristic of the output of a bridge circuit composed of strain gauges, to perform a zero-point temperature compensation of the


A semiconductor strain detector comprising: (a) a semiconductor substrate having a strain sensitive region; (b) a bridge circuit including strain gauges each disposed at least in part at said strain sensitive region, each said strain gauge having a resistance varying in response to the strain of sai

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (5)

  1. Mallon Joseph R. (Franklin Lakes NJ) Kurtz Anthony D. (Englewood NJ), Binary balancing apparatus for semiconductor transducer structures.
  2. Keller Hans W. (Winterthur CHX) Von Ritter Michael (Winterthur CHX), Method for temperature compensation and measuring circuit therefor.
  3. Miyazaki Atsushi (Katsuta JPX) Kobayashi Ryoichi (Toukai JPX), Semiconductor pressure sensor.
  4. Yamada Kazuji (Hitachi Hitachi JPX) Nishihara Motohisa (Hitachi Katsuta JPX) Sato Hideo (Hitachi Hitachi JPX) Suzuki Seiko (Ibaraki Hitachi JPX) Kobayashi Ryoichi (Hitachi JPX), Semiconductor strain gauge.
  5. Sugiyama Susumu (Aichi JPX), Semiconductor transducer.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (15)

  1. Borzabadi,Hamid R.; Koglin,Dennis M.; Long,Stephen P.; Vas,Timothy A., Integrated pressure sensor and method of manufacture.
  2. Tanizawa Yukihiko,JPX, Method of making a semiconductor pressure sensor.
  3. Tanizawa, Yukihiko, Physical quantity detection device with error detection in power supply line thereto.
  4. Miller,Wojtek; Cupples,Kenneth Alan; Champion,James Robert, Pressure and temperature compensation algorithm for use with a piezo-resistive strain gauge type pressure sensor.
  5. Gregory, Otto J., Self-compensated ceramic strain gage for use at high temperatures.
  6. Liu, Bo, Semiconductor temperature sensor with high sensitivity.
  7. Liu, Bo, Semiconductor temperature sensor with high sensitivity.
  8. Hirayama, Toru, Sensor signal detection device.
  9. Kiess, Ronald J.; Little, Lewis Henry; Ellis, Marion E.; Butler, Jr., Raymond O., Spark plug mounted thick film strain gauge.
  10. Kiess, Ronald J.; Little, Lewis Henry; Ellis, Marion E.; Butler, Jr., Raymond O., Spark plug mounted thick film strain gauge.
  11. Ohta, Hiroyuki; Shimazu, Hiromi; Tanno, Yohei, Strain measuring device.
  12. Ohta, Hiroyuki; Shimazu, Hiromi; Tanno, Yohei, Strain measuring device.
  13. Kosh,William Stephen; Kaneko,Yoshikazu, System and method for pressure measurement.
  14. Lepine,David F.; Kaneko,Yoshikazu, System and method for pressure measurement.
  15. Lee, Chul-Sub; Kim, Young-Deok; Byeon, Eul-Chul; Lee, Yong Hun, Vertical pressure sensor.

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