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[미국특허] Liquids mixing and dispensing system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B01F-015/04
출원번호 US-0627799 (1990-12-14)
발명자 / 주소
  • Farling Duane J. (Webster NY) Smith Gary A. (Rochester NY)
출원인 / 주소
  • Eastman Kodak Company (Rochester NY 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 25  인용 특허 : 0


A liquids mixing and dispensing apparatus and method utilize a plurality of liquid supply modules to feed simultaneously charges of a plurality of admixable liquids at predetermined volume flow rates to a mixer to form a batch of a mixture of the liquids, such as a photographic emulsion mixture, in


Apparatus comprising an enclosed flow arrangement for providing a predetermined volume batch of a mixture of a plurality of liquids in which the volumes of the liquids in the mixture are in a predetermined ratio, the apparatus comprising: a service line; a mixer, energizable for mixing liquids, havi

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (25)

  1. Kemp, Roger; Kipp, Chris; Kemp, Paul; Nelson, Andrew M., Apparatus and method for material blending.
  2. Floyd,Timothy H.; Miller, III,Paul David, Apparatus and methods for a customer to produce and dispense automobile appearance care products.
  3. Floyd, Timothy H.; Miller, III, Paul David, Apparatus and methods for producing and dispensing automobile appearance care products charged to a customer on a selected bases.
  4. Cruso, Robert, Concrete admixture packaging and batch feed system.
  5. Yu, Anping; Grayson, James; Childers, Robert W., Dialysis method including wireless patient data.
  6. Yu, Anping; Childers, Robert W.; Cizman, Borut, Dialysis system and machine having therapy prescription recall.
  7. Yu, Anping; Childers, Robert W.; Cizman, Borut, Dialysis system and machine having therapy prescription recall.
  8. Yu, Anping; Childers, Robert W.; Cizman, Borut, Dialysis system and machine having therapy prescription recall.
  9. Yu, Anping; Childers, Robert W.; Cizman, Borut, Dialysis system having approved therapy prescriptions presented for selection.
  10. Yu, Anping; Childers, Robert W.; Vonesh, Edward F.; Cizman, Borut; Niemann, Michael, Dialysis system having filtering method for determining therapy prescriptions.
  11. Yu, Anping; Childers, Robert W.; Vonesh, Edward F.; Cizman, Borut; Niemann, Michael, Dialysis system having filtering method for determining therapy prescriptions.
  12. Childers, Robert W.; Yu, Anping; Cizman, Borut, Dialysis system having inventory management including online dextrose mixing.
  13. Yu, Anping; Childers, Robert W.; Vonesh, Edward F.; Cizman, Borut, Dialysis system having regimen generation methodology.
  14. Yu, Anping; Grayson, James; Childers, Robert W., Dialysis system having trending and alert generation.
  15. Yu, Alex Anping; Grayson, James; Childers, Robert W., Dialysis system including wireless patient data.
  16. Yu, Anping; Grayson, James; Childers, Robert W., Dialysis system including wireless patient data and trending and alert generation.
  17. Kelly, Thomas; Childers, Robert W.; Busby, Don; Roger, Rodolfo; El Sayyid, Waleed Mutasem; Din, Shahid, Dialysis systems including therapy prescription entries.
  18. Yu, Anping; Childers, Robert W.; Cizman, Borut, Dialysis treatment prescription system and method.
  19. Dadson Joseph E.,CAX, Method and apparatus for performing peritoneal dialysis.
  20. Gao, Jason Zhisheng; Schilowitz, Alan Mark; Minak Bernero, Vera; Calcavecchio, Peter, Method of blending lubricants using positive displacement liquid-handling equipment.
  21. Yu, Anping; Childers, Robert W.; Cizman, Borut, Networked dialysis system.
  22. Lo, Ying-Cheng; Akonur, Alp; Ding, Yuanpang S., Peritoneal dialysis therapy with large dialysis solution volumes.
  23. Yu, Alex Anping; Childers, Robert W.; Hopping, Peter A., System and method for pairing a dialysis machine with peripheral devices.
  24. Mason, Thomas G., System and method for recycling surfactant in emulsion production.
  25. Yu, Anping; Childers, Robert W.; Cizman, Borut, System and method for selection of stored dialysis therapy prescriptions.

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