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Industrial robot arms 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B25J-018/00
  • B25J-017/02
  • B25J-017/00
출원번호 US-0765554 (1991-09-25)
발명자 / 주소
  • Dalakian Sergei V. (Koshtoyan St.
  • House #2
  • Flat 317 Moscow SUX)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 51  인용 특허 : 0


An articulated robot arm or the like comprising a base, an upper arm which is pivotally secured to the base at a shoulder joint, a lower arm pivotally secured to the upper arm at an elbow joint, and optionally a “hand”or tool support pivotally secured to the lower arm at a wrist joint. A parallelogr


A robot arm or the like, comprising: A. a base; B. an upper arm having a first end and a second end, wherein the first end of said upper arm is secured to said base by a first pivot to define a shoulder joint; C. a lower arm having a first end and a second end, wherein the first end of said lower ar

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (51)

  1. Harsch, Erich; Reichenbach, Rainer, Articulated arm transport system.
  2. Amparore, Mauro; Pernechele, Giorgio; Paparella, Giuseppe, Articulated robot wrist.
  3. Amparore, Mauro; Pernechele, Giorgio; Paparella, Giuseppe, Articulated robot wrist.
  4. Amparore, Mauro; Pernechele, Giorgio; Paparella, Giuseppe, Articulated robot wrist.
  5. Yokoyama, Akihiro, Concentric multi-axis actuator.
  6. Shirasawa Naomi,JPX, Cup-type wave gear device.
  7. Brog.ang.rdh, Torgny, Device for relative displacement of two elements.
  8. Thomas G. Cooper ; Dean F. Hoornaert ; Steven J. Blumenkranz, Devices and methods for moving an image capture device in telesurgical systems.
  9. Stieler, Andreas; Schall, Nils-Hendric; Stansch, Karsten; Seyffert, Ulrich, Drive for a folder.
  10. Albin, Scott R.; Fisk, Allan T., End effector for mobile remotely controlled robot.
  11. Cline, Robert, Epicyclic joint.
  12. Koyama, Junji, Finger joint mechanism.
  13. Shirasawa Naomi,JPX, Flat wave gear drive.
  14. Doyle, Mark, Flexible wrist-type element.
  15. Albin, Scott R., Gripper system.
  16. Sugawara, Zenta; Matsuda, Hiroshi, Joint structure of robot.
  17. Kobayashi, Masaru, Method for reducing input-side holding torque of wave gear device, and rotary actuator.
  18. Doi, Masahiro, Method of driving joint device.
  19. Jensen Joel F., Methods and devices for positioning a surgical instrument at a surgical site.
  20. Jeno Gyuris ; Aaron J. Morris, Methods and reagents for isolating biologically active peptides.
  21. Jensen Joel F., Methods for positioning a surgical instrument about a remote spherical center of rotation.
  22. Solomon, Todd R.; Cooper, Thomas G., Methods for robotic arms with strap drive trains.
  23. Solomon, Todd R.; Cooper, Thomas G., Multi-ply strap drive trains for surgical robotic arms.
  24. Cooper, Thomas G.; Solomon, Todd R., Offset remote center manipulator for robotic surgery.
  25. Cooper, Thomas G.; Solomon, Todd R., Offset remote center manipulator for robotic surgery.
  26. Cooper, Thomas G.; Solomon, Todd R., Offset remote center manipulator for robotic surgery.
  27. Cooper, Thomas G.; Solomon, Todd R., Offset remote center manipulator for robotic surgery.
  28. Ono, Masatoshi, Parallel link mechanism and industrial robot.
  29. Ono, Masatoshi, Parallel link mechanism and industrial robot.
  30. Ono, Masatoshi, Parallel link mechanism and industrial robot.
  31. Brown James Vaughn ; Kuhl David K. ; Ondrasek Michael J., Process and apparatus for imparting linear motion to tooling attached to the end of a manipulator device having two diff.
  32. Jensen, Joel F., Remote center positioner.
  33. Jensen,Joel F., Remote center positioner.
  34. Joel F. Jensen, Remote center positioner.
  35. Jensen Joel F., Remote center positioner with channel shaped linkage element.
  36. Jensen Joel F., Remote center positioning device with flexible drive.
  37. Fisk, Allan T.; Hastie, Jonathan; Hug, Hans; Andrus, Lance; Johnson, Michael; Hoadley, David, Robot arm assembly.
  38. Seavey, Nathaniel J. M.; Langford, Christopher J., Robot arm assembly.
  39. Maeguchi, Yuji; Inada, Takahiro, Robot arm mechanism.
  40. Hofmeister, Christopher, Robot having high stiffness coupling.
  41. Solomon, Todd R.; Cooper, Thomas G., Robotic arms with strap drive trains.
  42. Tanioka, Nozomu, Rotary actuator equipped with sensing mechanism, and joint unit.
  43. McAndrew Robert M. ; Kroeker Tony, Single motor control for substrate handler in processing system.
  44. Yih Tachung C., Skew pantograph robotic apparatus.
  45. Solomon, Todd R.; Cooper, Thomas G., Strap guide system and methods thereof for robotic surgical arms.
  46. Maruyama Yoichi,JPX, Torch-angle setting device.
  47. Hashimoto Akio,JPX ; Mori Hiroki,JPX, Transmission gear.
  48. Akiyama, Shuji; Yudate, Toshihiro; Yamada, Hiroshi; Kameda, Nobuhiro, Turning device for heavy object.
  49. Lee, Youn Baek; Oh, Yeon Taek; Yang, Soo Sang, Walking robot.
  50. Kobayashi, Masaru; Honda, Yuki, Wave gear device.
  51. Kiyosawa, Yoshihide; Asawa, Hideo, Wave gear drive having a transfer-torque control mechanism.
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