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[미국특허] Electrostatic chuck 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • B25B-011/00
  • H01F-015/02
출원번호 US-0002925 (1993-01-11)
우선권정보 JP-0070162 (1992-02-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Kubota Yoshihiro (Gunma JPX) Kawai Makoto (Gunma JPX) Kojima Shinji (Gunma JPX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Shin-Etsu Chemical Co., Ltd. (Tokyo JPX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 33  인용 특허 : 0


An improvement is proposed in an electrostatic chuck having a chuck head comprising an electrode layer sandwiched between a backing insulating layer and a frontal insulating layer, which comes into contact with a work piece when the electrostatic chuck is working, by which the electrostatic chuck ca


In an electrostatic chuck having a chuck head comprising an electrode layer sandwiched between a backing insulating layer and a frontal insulating layer coming into contact with a work piece when the electrostatic chuck is working, the improvement which comprises: forming the frontal insulating laye

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (33)

  1. Ono Masanori,JPX, Apparatus for retaining a workpiece upon a workpiece support and method of manufacturing same.
  2. Aida Hiroshi (Kokubu JPX) Mikami Kazuhiko (Kokubu JPX) Kitazawa Kenji (Kokubu JPX), Ceramic resistor and electrostatic chuck having an aluminum nitride crystal phase.
  3. Aida Hiroshi,JPX ; Mikami Kazuhiko,JPX ; Kitazawa Kenji,JPX, Ceramic resistor and electrostatic chuck having an aluminum nitride crystal phase.
  4. Parkhe Vijay ; Hausmann Gilbert, Conductive polymer pad for supporting a workpiece upon a workpiece support surface of an electrostatic chuck.
  5. Edwin C. Weldon ; Kenneth S. Collins ; Arik Donde ; Brian Lue ; Dan Maydan ; Robert J. Steger ; Timothy Dyer ; Ananda H. Kumar ; Alexander M. Veytser ; Kadthala R. Narendrnath ; Semyon L. K, Dielectric covered electrostatic chuck.
  6. Yamada Naohito,JPX ; Ohno Masashi,JPX ; Ushikoshi Ryusuke,JPX, Electrostatic chuck.
  7. Simpson, Matthew A., Electrostatic chuck and method of forming.
  8. Kholodenko Arnold ; Veytser Alexander M. ; Shamouilian Shamouil, Electrostatic chuck having a unidirectionally conducting coupler layer.
  9. Weldon, Edwin C.; Collins, Kenneth S.; Donde, Arik; Lue, Brian; Maydan, Dan; Steger, Robert J.; Dyer, Timothy; Kumar, Ananda H.; Veytser, Alexander M.; Narendrnath, Kadthala R.; Kats, Semyon L.; Khol, Electrostatic chuck having composite dielectric layer and method of manufacture.
  10. Shamouilian Shamouil ; Kholodenko Arnold ; Kats Semyon ; Sherstinsky Semyon ; Clinton Jon ; Bedi Surinder, Electrostatic chuck with improved temperature control and puncture resistance.
  11. Collins Kenneth S. ; Tsui Joshua Chiu-Wing ; Buchberger Douglas, Electrostatic chuck with polymeric impregnation and method of making.
  12. Collins Kenneth S. ; Tsui Joshua Chiu-Wing ; Buchberger Douglas, Electrostatic chuck with polymeric impregnation and method of making.
  13. Hiroshi Mogi JP; Yoshikazu Ohtani JP; Kenichi Arai JP; Shinji Kojima JP; Toshimi Kobayashi JP, Electrostatic holding apparatus having insulating layer with enables easy attachment and detachment of semiconductor object.
  14. Narendrnath, Kadthala R.; Shamouilian, Shamouil; Grimard, Dennis S., Fabricating an electrostatic chuck having plasma resistant gas conduits.
  15. Abney, Stephen; Vesci, Anthony; Sommers, Joseph F.; Schweitzer, Marc O'Donnell; Dickerson, Scott; Tiller, Jennifer Watia, Flow-formed chamber component having a textured surface.
  16. Bhatnagar, Ashish; Murugesh, Laxman; Gopalakrishnan, Padma, Localized surface annealing of components for substrate processing chambers.
  17. Kukanskis,Peter; Fritz,Dennis; Durso,Frank; Castaldi,Steven; Sawoska,David, Method for the manufacture of printed circuit boards with plated resistors.
  18. Shamouilian, Shamouil; Sun, Jennifer Y.; Kumar, Ananda H., Process chamber having a corrosion-resistant wall and method.
  19. Schneider Gerhard ; Weldon Edwin C., Process chamber having improved gas distributor and method of manufacture.
  20. Scheible, Kathleen; Flanigan, Michael Allen; Yoshidome, Goichi; Allen, Adolph Miller; Pavloff, Cristopher M., Process kit and target for substrate processing chamber.
  21. Young, Donny; Ritchie, Alan Alexander; Hong, Ilyoung (Richard); Scheible, Kathleen A., Process kit components for titanium sputtering chamber.
  22. Pavloff, Cristopher Mark; Hong, Ilyoung, Process kit for substrate processing chamber.
  23. Donde Arik ; Levinstein Hyman J. ; Wu Robert W. ; Hegedus Andreas ; Weldon Edwin C. ; Shamouilian Shamouil ; Clinton Jon T. ; Bedi Surinder S., Puncture resistant electrostatic chuck.
  24. Donde Arik ; Levinstein Hyman J. ; Wu Robert W. ; Hegedus Andreas ; Weldon Edwin C. ; Shamouilian Shamouil ; Clinton Jon T. ; Bedi Surinder S., Puncture resistant electrostatic chuck.
  25. Lee,Sang Seok; Lim,Young Kug; Kim,Jong Han, Substrate bonding apparatus for manufacturing liquid crystal display device.
  26. Riker, Martin; Wang, Wei W., Substrate cleaning chamber and components.
  27. Arnold V. Kholodenko ; You Wang ; Tony S. Kaushal ; Semyon L. Kats, Substrate support pedestal.
  28. Miller, Keith A.; Lavitsky, Ilya, Support ring assembly.
  29. Bhatnagar, Ashish; Murugesh, Laxman; Gopalakrishnan, Padma, Surface annealing of components for substrate processing chambers.
  30. Puttichaem, Wachira; Waiyawong, Sarawut, Systems and devices for achieving high throughput attachment and sub-micron alignment of components.
  31. Cheng, Tien-Chih; Zhang, Ying; Suen, Shu-Huei; Kao, Chen-Chiao, Wafer support device.
  32. Cheng, Tien-Chih; Zhang, Ying; Suen, Shu-Huei; Kao, Chen-Chiao, Wafer support device.
  33. Nagasaki Koichi,JPX ; Kuchimachi Kazuhiro,JPX ; Nagano Saburo,JPX ; Kawanabe Yasunori,JPX ; Aida Hiroshi,JPX ; Kitazawa Kenji,JPX, Wafer support member.
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