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[미국특허] Multi-purpose optical head probe 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G01N-021/41
  • G01N-021/59
  • G01N-021/64
  • G01N-021/65
출원번호 US-0107871 (1993-08-18)
발명자 / 주소
  • Sela Ilan (Haifa ILX)
출원인 / 주소
  • Petrometrix Ltd. (Migdal Haemek ILX 03)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 16  인용 특허 : 0


An optical probe head for determining the index of refraction of a sample, which is made up of a gradient index lens in contact with the sample, a transmitting optical fiber for inputting radiation into said gradient index lens and a receiving optical fiber. The optical fibers and gradient index len


An optical probe head for determining the absolute transmission or absorption of a sample, comprising: (a) a gradient index lens; (b) a mirror placed so as to reflect radiation coming through said gradient index lens back to said gradient index lens through the sample; (c) a moveable partition locat

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (16)

  1. Smith Lee M. ; Benner Robert E., Compact and robust spectrograph.
  2. Tedesco, James M.; Slater, Joseph B., Cost-effective Raman probe assembly for single-use bioreactor vessels.
  3. Thomson, Alasdair Iain, Development of disposable/sealable caps for spectroscopic probes.
  4. Inman, Jr., Guy W., Fiber optic probes apparatus for spectrophotometry.
  5. Dai Sheng ; Young Jack P., Fiberoptic probe and system for spectral measurements.
  6. Clarke, Richard H.; Womble, M. Edward, Handheld Raman body fluid analyzer.
  7. Clarke, Richard H.; Womble, M. Edward, Handheld raman blood analyzer.
  8. Mittenzwey Klaus-Henrik,DEX ; Sinn Gert,DEX, Method and device for combined absorption and reflectance spectroscopy.
  9. Womble, M. Edward; Clarke, Richard H., Probe assemblies for Raman spectroscopy.
  10. Schmucker John E. ; Falk Jon C. ; Archer William B. ; Blasi Raymond J., Raman fiber optic probe assembly for use in hostile environments.
  11. Clarke, Richard H.; Womble, M. Edward, Raman spectroscopic test strip systems.
  12. Smith Lee M. ; Benner Robert E. ; Gray George R. ; Pan Ming-Wei ; Rallison Richard D., Raman spectroscopy apparatus and method using external cavity laser for continuous chemical analysis of sample streams.
  13. O'Rourke Patrick E. ; Toole ; Jr. William R. ; Nave Stanley E., Rugged fiber optic probe for raman measurement.
  14. Djeu, Nicholas, Self-referencing fiber-optic Raman probe.
  15. Bigman Joel,ILX ; Zilberman Irina,ILX ; Sela Ilan,ILX, System for remote transmission of spectral information through communication optical fibers for real-time on-line hydro.
  16. Harter Donald J. ; Squier Jeff A., Two-photon microscopy with plane wave illumination.

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