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Curing epoxy resins using dicy, imidazole and acid 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C08L-063/00
출원번호 US-0340962 (1994-11-17)
발명자 / 주소
  • Olson Larry D. (Viroqua WI)
출원인 / 주소
  • AlliedSignal Inc. (Morris Township, Morris County NJ 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 15  인용 특허 : 0


A curable epoxide composition consists essentially of curable epoxides, dicyandiamide as a curing agent in an amount less than needed to fully cure the epoxides, an imidazole in an amount exceeding that needed as a catalyst and capable of curing the epoxides in combination with the dicyandiamide, a


A curable epoxide composition consisting essentially of (a) at least one curable difunctional epoxide, optionally with one or more epoxides having a functionality greater than two; (b) as a curing agent, dicyandiamide in an amount less than required to cure the epoxides of (a) but sufficient to prov

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (15)

  1. Dilipkumar Nandlal Shah ; William Edward Starner, 2-phenylimidazole-phosphoric acid salt as an accelerator for acid anhydride curatives in one-component epoxy compositions.
  2. Hirano, Tetsuji; Hisano, Nobuharu; Kinouchi, Masayuki, Acid-base mixture and ion conductor comprising the same.
  3. Hadley, Philip C.; Irons, Michelle M.; Cawse, John, Cure accelerators.
  4. Kim, Young-Sik; Kim, Hyun-Cheol; Shin, Dong-Rak, Epoxy resin composition and laminate using the same.
  5. Yin, Chunhong; Kaffee, Achim; Henningsen, Michael; Zwecker, Joachim; Gehringer, Lionel, Epoxy-resin composition for fiber-matrix semifinished products.
  6. Dilipkumar Nandlal Shah ; William Edward Starner, Imidazole-phosphoric acid salts as accelerators for dicyandiamide in one-component epoxy compositions.
  7. Kishi, Toyoaki, Interlayer dielectric film with carrier material and multilayer printed circuit board therewith.
  8. Haas David R. ; Xu Chengzeng ; McAuliffe Mavyn ; Zimmerman Scott ; Miller Laura ; Qin Meifang ; Xu Baopei ; Pommer Richard J., Lasable bond-ply materials for high density printed wiring boards.
  9. John S. Kresge ; John M. Lauffer ; David J. Russell, Laser ablatable material and its use.
  10. Kresge, John S.; Lauffer, John M.; Russell, David J., Laser ablatable material and its use.
  11. Jensen, Martin, Method of modifying the rate of temperature change of an epoxy resin composition in a resin container during a casting process.
  12. Olson Larry D. ; Wold John R. ; Miller Dave F. ; Hein Marc ; Theyerl Mary Jo ; Hammes Edward, Methods of manufacturing voidless resin impregnated webs.
  13. Haas David R. ; Xu Chengzeng ; McAuliffe Mavyn, Microfiber dielectrics which facilitate laser via drilling.
  14. Corley, Larry Steven; Pigneri, Anthony Michael, Process for producing phenol-dicarbonyl condensates with increased fluorescence, epoxy resins, epoxy resin systems and laminates made with the same.
  15. Luttrull, David K., Styrene-maleic anhydride copolymer and epoxy resin blend crosslinked with multifunctional amine compounds.
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