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[미국특허] One phase production of polyglycerol esters 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • C11C-003/00
출원번호 US-0279493 (1994-07-22)
발명자 / 주소
  • Harvey Scott B. (Bethlehem PA) Shen Shilan (High Bridge NJ)
출원인 / 주소
  • Lonza Inc. (Fair Lawn NJ 02)
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 10  인용 특허 : 14


A semi-batch process for the manufacture of polyglycerol esters by direct fatty acid esterification of a polyglycerol. Molten fatty acid is fed slowly into polyglycerol at a rate which maintains the reaction mixture substantially homogeneous. Improved quality of the resultant polyglycerol esters and


A process for preparing polyglycerol esters which comprises: (a) feeding a molten fatty acid at elevated temperature into a polyglycerol at a substantially constant rate over a period of 0.5 to 5 hours, with mixing and at a pressure of between 50 and 400 mm Hg, so as to maintain the reaction mixture

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (14)

  1. Powanda Thomas M. (Middlesex NJ) Imes Robert H. (Bridgewater NJ) Collins George L. (Maplewood NJ), Accelerated preparation of carboxylic acid esters.
  2. Downs John D. (Decatur IL) Drury ; Jr. Raymond L. (Decatur IL) Moser Kenneth B. (Decatur IL) Roth C. Deane (Decatur IL), Glycoside-containing polyester preparation process.
  3. Nieuwenhuis Hermanus J. W. (Sprundel NLX) Vianen Gerardus M. (Roosendaal NLX), Method for the preparation of esters of a non-reducing sugar and one or more fatty acids.
  4. Keulemans Cornelis N. M. (Rozenburg NLX) Rozendaal Adrianus (Vlaardingen NLX), Process and apparatus for the interesterification of a triglyceride oil and products therefrom.
  5. Van der Plank Pleun (De Lier NLX) Rozendaal Adrianus (Vlaardingen NLX), Process for preparing partial polyol fatty acid esters.
  6. van der Plank Pleun (De Lier NLX) Rozendaal Adrianus (Vlaardingen NLX), Process for preparing polyol fatty acid polyesters.
  7. Willemse Gerardus W. M. (Vlaardingen NLX), Process for the synthesis of polyol fatty acid esters.
  8. Meszros Grechke Yulir (The Hague NLX) van der Plank Pleun (Huizen NLX) Rozendaal Adrianus (Vlaardingen NLX), Process for the synthesis of polyol fatty acid polyesters.
  9. Willemse Gerardus W. M. (Vlaardingen NLX), Process for the synthesis of polyol fatty acid polyesters.
  10. Parker Kenneth John (Oxted EN) Khan Riaz Ahmed (Sonning EN) Mufti Khizar Sultan (Reading EN), Process of making sucrose esters.
  11. Yamamoto Toshiaki (Ohtsu JPX) Kinami Kenichi (Kyoto JPX), Production of sucrose fatty acid polyester.
  12. Rizzi George Peter (Cincinnati OH) Taylor Harry Madison (Cincinnati OH), Synthesis of higher polyol fatty acid polyesters.
  13. Volpenhein Robert A. (Cincinnati OH), Synthesis of higher polyol fatty acid polyesters using carbonate catalysts.
  14. Volpenhein Robert A. (Cincinnati OH), Synthesis of higher polyol fatty acid polyesters using high soap:polyol ratios.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (10)

  1. Ponder, Jennifer Beth; Baker, Keith Homer; Panandiker, Rajan Keshav; Vetter, Kerry Andrew; Strife, Robert John, Benefit compositions comprising polyglycerol esters.
  2. Ventura, Joseph; Wadman, Shannon; Slager, Joram; McGonigle, Joseph Schmidt; Hergenrother, Robert W., Composition and method for delivery of hydrophobic active agents.
  3. Ventura, Joseph; Wadman, Shannon; Slager, Joram; McGonigle, Joseph Schmidt; Hergenrother, Robert W., Composition and method for delivery of hydrophobic active agents.
  4. Slager, Joram; Heyer, Toni M.; Babcock, David E., Delivery of hydrophobic active agent particles.
  5. Knoblock, Kenneth; Nichols, Charles; O'Connor, James, Foamed isocyanate-based polymer, a mix and process for production thereof.
  6. O'Connor,James; Nichols,Charles; Knoblock,Kenneth, Foamed isocyanate-based polymer, a mix and process for production thereof.
  7. Meyering, Emily R. R.; Chudzik, Stephen J., Glycerol ester active agent delivery systems and methods.
  8. Wenk, Hans Henning; Kottke, Ulrike; Ponder, Jennifer B., Polyglycerol esters and their use.
  9. Kaiser, Anton; Weckhuysen, Bert Marc; Leinweber, Dirk; Kirby, Fiona; Scherl, Franz Xaver; Metz, Hans Joachim; Bruijnincx, Pieter Cornelis Antonius, Preparation of polyglycerols.
  10. Tenore, Richard R., Process for the direct manufacture of polyglycerol polyricinoleate.

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