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[미국특허] Power plant 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G21C-019/28
  • F01K-025/06
출원번호 US-0795200 (1997-02-05)
우선권정보 JP-0021204 (1996-02-07)
발명자 / 주소
  • Hashiguchi Koh,JPX
  • Inai Nobuhiko,JPX
  • Nei Hiromichi,JPX
출원인 / 주소
  • Kabushiki Kaisha Toshiba, JPX
대리인 / 주소
    Foley & Lardner
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 56  인용 특허 : 0


The disclosed power plant can attain an extremely high thermal efficiency, as compared with that of the conventional power plant. The power plant comprises a steam system and a mixed medium system. The steam system comprises a heat source (1) for generating steam; a steam turbine (3) driven by the s


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A power plant, comprising:a steam system having:a heat source for heating a water to generate a steam;a steam turbine driven by the steam generated by said heat source;a steam condenser for forming a condensed water by condensing an exhaust of said steam turbine; andconde

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (56) 인용/피인용 타임라인 분석

  1. Pierson, Tom L.; Penton, John David, Advanced heat recovery and energy conversion systems for power generation and pollution emissions reduction, and methods of using same.
  2. Pierson, Tom L.; Penton, John David, Advanced power recovery and energy conversion systems and methods of using same.
  3. Hart, Katherine; Held, Timothy James, Automated mass management control.
  4. Hart, Katherine; Held, Timothy James, Automated mass management control.
  5. Held, Timothy James; Vermeersch, Michael Louis; Xie, Tao, Carbon dioxide refrigeration cycle.
  6. Stinger,Daniel H.; Mian,Farouk Aslam, Cascading closed loop cycle power generation.
  7. Held, Timothy James; Vermeersch, Michael Louis; Xie, Tao, Driven starter pump and start sequence.
  8. Held, Timothy James; Vermeersch, Michael; Xie, Tao, Driven starter pump and start sequence.
  9. Kalina, Alexander I., Dual pressure geothermal system.
  10. Kalina, Alexander I., Dual pressure geothermal system.
  11. Kalina, Alexander I., Geothermal system.
  12. Kalina, Alexander I., Heat conversion system simultaneously utilizing two separate heat source stream and method for making and using same.
  13. Held, Timothy J.; Miller, Jason D., Heat engine and heat to electricity systems and methods for working fluid fill system.
  14. Held, Timothy J.; Hostler, Stephen; Miller, Jason D.; Vermeersch, Michael; Xie, Tao, Heat engine and heat to electricity systems and methods with working fluid mass management control.
  15. Held, Timothy James; Hostler, Stephen; Miller, Jason D.; Vermeersch, Michael; Xie, Tao, Heat engine and heat to electricity systems and methods with working fluid mass management control.
  16. Held, Timothy James, Heat engine cycles for high ambient conditions.
  17. Kacludis, Alexander Steven; Hostler, Stephen R.; Zakem, Steve B., Heat engine system with a supercritical working fluid and processes thereof.
  18. Held, Timothy James, Heat engines with cascade cycles.
  19. Gurin, Michael H., Heat pump with integral solar collector.
  20. Held, Timothy James, Hot day cycle.
  21. Clements, Bruce R.; Wu, Lijun; Pomalis, Richard; Zheng, Ligang, Hybrid Rankine cycle.
  22. Gurin, Michael H., Hybrid power systems.
  23. Kalina, Alexander I., Low temperature geothermal system.
  24. Kalina, Alexander I., Method and apparatus for the utilization of waste heat from gaseous heat sources carrying substantial quantities of dust.
  25. Kalina, Alexander I., Method and system for converting waste heat from cement plant into a usable form of energy.
  26. Zimron,Ohad; Batscha,Danny, Method of and apparatus for producing power from a heat source.
  27. Vermeersch, Michael Louis; Bowan, Brett A.; Khairnar, Swapnil, Methods for reducing wear on components of a heat engine system at startup.
  28. Ho, Tony; Mao, Samuel S.; Greif, Ralph, Organic flash cycles for efficient power production.
  29. Bronicki, Lucien Y; Bronicki, Yoram, Organic motive fluid based waste heat recovery system.
  30. Held, Timothy James; Vermeersch, Michael Louis; Xie, Tao; Miller, Jason, Parallel cycle heat engines.
  31. Phillips, William E., Plug resistant nozzle for fluidization of particulates.
  32. Kalina, Alexander I., Power cycle and system for utilizing moderate and low temperature heat sources.
  33. Kalina, Alexander I., Power cycle and system for utilizing moderate and low temperature heat sources.
  34. Kalina, Alexander I., Power cycle and system for utilizing moderate and low temperature heat sources.
  35. Pierson,Tom L.; Penton,John David, Power recovery and energy conversion systems and methods of using same.
  36. Kalina,Alexander I., Process and apparatus for boiling and vaporizing multi-component fluids.
  37. Kalina,Alexander I., Process and system for the condensation of multi-component working fluids.
  38. Bowan, Brett A., Process for controlling a power turbine throttle valve during a supercritical carbon dioxide rankine cycle.
  39. Viteri,Fermin, Reheat heat exchanger power generation systems.
  40. Ikegami, Yasuyuki; Jitsuhara, Sadayuki; Watanabe, Taro; Okamura, Shin, Steam power cycle system.
  41. Xie, Tao; Vermeersch, Michael; Held, Timothy, Supercritical carbon dioxide power cycle for waste heat recovery.
  42. Lee, Gil Bong; Baik, Young Jin; Cho, Jun Hyun; Ra, Ho Sang; Shin, Hyung Ki, Supercritical carbon dioxide power generation system.
  43. Vermeersch, Michael Louis, Supercritical working fluid circuit with a turbo pump and a start pump in series configuration.
  44. Held, Timothy James, System and method for managing thermal issues in gas turbine engines.
  45. Held, Timothy James, System and method for managing thermal issues in one or more industrial processes.
  46. Huck, Pierre Sebastien; Lehar, Matthew Alexander; Vogel, Christian, System and method of waste heat recovery.
  47. Lehar, Matthew Alexander, System and method of waste heat recovery.
  48. Lehar, Matthew Alexander; Dall'Ara, Matteo, System and method of waste heat recovery.
  49. Lehar, Matthew Alexander; Huck, Pierre Sebastien; Vogel, Christian, System and method of waste heat recovery.
  50. Dyer, Timothy; Richter, Mark; Contreras, Rafael Andres Bañados; Sandberg, Chester L., Systems and methods for combined flow control and electricity generation.
  51. Kalina, Alexander I., Systems and methods for low temperature heat sources with relatively high temperature cooling media.
  52. Kalina, Alexander I., Systems, methods and apparatuses for converting thermal energy into mechanical and electrical power.
  53. Held, Timothy J.; Hostler, Stephen; Miller, Jason D.; Hume, Brian F., Thermal energy conversion device.
  54. Held, Timothy J.; Hostler, Stephen; Miller, Jason D.; Hume, Brian F., Thermal energy conversion method.
  55. Ono, Taisuke, Waste heat recovery ranking cycle system.
  56. Cook, David, Waste heat recovery system.

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