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[미국특허] Aircraft detection system 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G06K-009/00
출원번호 US-0827309 (1997-03-28)
우선권정보 AU-0009009 (1996-04-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • Auty Glen William,AUX
  • Best Michael John,AUX
  • Davis Timothy John,AUX
  • Dreier Ashley John,AUX
  • MacIntyre Ian Barry,AUX
출원인 / 주소
  • The Commonwealth of Australia Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, AUX
대리인 / 주소
    Nixon & Vanderhye P.C.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 37  인용 특허 : 7


An object detection system including passive sensors for receiving electromagnetic radiation from a moving object and generating intensity signals representative of the received radiation, and a processing system for subtracting the intensity signals to obtain a differential signature representative


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] An object detection system including:passive sensing means for receiving electromagnetic radiation from a moving object in a field of view and generating intensity signals representative of the received radiation and for generating images of said radiation at successive p

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (7)

  1. Basso Alfred L. (Colebrook CT) Newton David A. (Coventry CT), Address block location method and apparatus.
  2. Kuno Yoshinori (Oomiya JPX) Fukui Kazuhiro (Yokohama JPX) Nakai Hiroaki (Yokohama JPX), Display monitoring system for detecting and tracking an intruder in a monitor area.
  3. Everett ; Jr. Hobart R. (San Diego CA) Gilbreath Gary A. (San Diego CA), Intelligent security assessment system.
  4. Wang Shin-Ywan (Tustin CA) Vaezi Mehrzad R. (Irvine CA) Sherrick Christopher Allen (Irvine CA), Method and apparatus for character recognition.
  5. Florent Raoul (Lillers FRX), Method and device for use in detecting moving targets.
  6. Abe Shozo (Tokyo JPX), Moving object detection apparatus and method.
  7. Lo Thomas K. (Temple City CA) Sacks Jack M. (Thousand Oaks CA) Banh Nam D. (Canoga Park CA), Signal processing for autonomous acquisition of objects in cluttered background.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (37)

  1. Weinmann, Robert V.; Allen, Robert M.; Wiig, Johan A.; Gelinske, Joshua N., Adaptive instrument and operator control recognition.
  2. Murphy, Timothy Allen, Aircraft tracking method and device and method of installation.
  3. Monroe,David A., Apparatus and method of collecting and distributing event data to strategic security personnel and response vehicles.
  4. Monroe, David A., Apparatus for and method of collecting and distributing event data to strategic security personnel and response vehicles.
  5. Monroe, David A., Apparatus for capturing, converting and transmitting a visual image signal via a digital transmission system.
  6. Monroe,David A., Apparatus for capturing, converting and transmitting a visual image signal via a digital transmission system.
  7. Metzger, Raymond R.; Baird, John M.; Monroe, David A., Bandwidth management and control.
  8. Monroe, David A., Comprehensive multi-media surveillance and response system for aircraft, operations centers, airports and other commercial transports, centers and terminals.
  9. Monroe,David, Comprehensive multi-media surveillance and response system for aircraft, operations centers, airports and other commercial transports, centers and terminals.
  10. Adler, Charles Otis; Eigle, Ted; Richards, William Raymond; Murphy, Timothy Allen; Roberson, John Harvey; Thalakottur, Thomas Jose; Fricks, Ricardo Messias; Khalil, Fadl Ibrahim; Walstrom, Steven Mark; Holton, Daniel Bruce; Turner, Jessie; Jackson, Timothy Edward, Controller for an aircraft tracker.
  11. Monroe, David A., Digital security multimedia sensor.
  12. Monroe, David A, Dual-mode camera.
  13. Monroe,David A., Emergency telephone with integrated surveillance system connectivity.
  14. Batcheller, Barry D.; Wiig, Johan A., Frequency-adaptable structural health and usage monitoring system.
  15. Monroe, David A, Ground based security surveillance system for aircraft and other commercial vehicles.
  16. Monroe,David A., Ground based security surveillance system for aircraft and other commercial vehicles.
  17. Matsumoto, Kazuhiro, Image processing apparatus, image processing method, and image processing program.
  18. Matsuoka, Atsuro; Funayama, Ryuji; Mori, Harunobu; Takezawa, Hajime; Konya, Minehiro, Image processing device and image processing method.
  19. Monroe, David A., Method and apparatus for sending and receiving facsimile transmissions over a non-telephonic transmission system.
  20. Monroe, David A., Method for incorporating facial recognition technology in a multimedia surveillance system.
  21. Shih, Ming-Yu; Chao, Ying-Ying, Moving object detection apparatus and method.
  22. Monroe,David A.; Hoeffer,Randall A.; Baker,Stephen M.; Forman,Michael A., Multifunction remote control system for audio and video recording, capture, transmission and playback of full motion and still images.
  23. Monroe,David A.; Hoeffer,Randall A.; Baker,Stephen M.; Forman,Michael A., Multifunction remote control system for audio and video recording, capture, transmission and playback of full motion and still images.
  24. Monroe,David A.; Hoeffer,Randall A.; Baker,Stephen M.; Forman,Michael A., Multifunction remote control system for audio and video recording, capture, transmission and playback of full motion and still images.
  25. Monroe, David A., Multimedia network appliances for security and surveillance applications.
  26. Monroe,David A., Multimedia network appliances for security and surveillance applications.
  27. Monroe,David A, Networked personal security system.
  28. Monroe,David A., Networked personal security system.
  29. Hiroyoshi Yamaguchi JP; Tetsuya Shinbo JP; Osamu Yoshimi JP; Seiichi Mizui JP, Object detector.
  30. Weinmann, Robert V.; Gelinske, Joshua N.; Allen, Robert M.; Wiig, Johan A., Optical image monitoring system and method for vehicles.
  31. Weinmann, Robert V.; Gelinske, Joshua N.; Allen, Robert M.; Wiig, Johan A., Optical image monitoring system and method for vehicles.
  32. Robert Castor DE, Process and device for automatically supported guidance of aircraft to a parking position.
  33. Monroe, David A., Record and playback system for aircraft.
  34. Monroe, David A., Record and playback system for aircraft.
  35. Berini, Dario; Moica, Simion Adrian; Srivastava, Prateek; Van Beek, Gary; Dadrassan, Hooman; Fevens, Bryon, System and method for parallel processing of images from a large number of cameras.
  36. Metzger, Raymond; Baird, John; Alvarado, Adrian; Hollida, Ray; Monroe, David, System for a plurality of video cameras disposed on a common network.
  37. Wasserman, Richard M.; Tessadro, Ana M., Systems and methods for adjusting lighting of a part based on a plurality of selected regions of an image of the part.

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