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[미국특허] Infrared dryer with air purge shutter 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • F26B-003/34
출원번호 US-0295074 (1999-04-20)
발명자 / 주소
  • Rogne Allan Wallace
  • Quass Jeffrey Donald
출원인 / 주소
  • Megtec Systems, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 7  인용 특허 : 13


A combination infrared/air convection dryer or oven for travelling webs. A shutter assembly is provided between the infrared radiation source and the moving web in order to selectively expose the web to infrared radiation, and to create a sealed air chamber when in the closed position. Enhanced dryi


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] A dryer for a moving web, comprising:a dryer enclosure having a web inlet slot and a web outlet slot spaced from said web inlet slot;impingement means in said enclosure for causing gas to impinge upon said web;gas supply means in communication with said impingement means

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (13)

  1. Bria Michael P. (Green Bay WI) Quass Jeffrey D. (Green Bay WI), Combination air bar and hole bar flotation dryer.
  2. Seeley William R. (DePere WI) Fontaine Edwin S. (Appleton WI), Combination infrared and air flotation dryer.
  3. Heikkil Pertti (Raisio FIX), Combination infrared and airborne drying of a web.
  4. Anderson Dennis W. (Middletown NY), Enhancing cross-directional stretch and tensile energy absorption during paper manufacture.
  5. Rogne Allan W. ; Quass Jeffrey D. ; Tesar Michael G., High speed infrared/convection dryer.
  6. Van Denend Herbert (270 Goffle Hill Rd. Hawthorne NJ 07506), Hybrid high-velocity heated air/infra-red drying oven.
  7. Secor Howard C. (Coppell TX) Rendleman Ronald M. (Dallas TX) Copenhaver Paul D. (Colleyville TX), Infra-red forced air dryer and extractor.
  8. Puschnerat Helmut,DEX, Method and apparatus for feeding and drying a printed paper web.
  9. LePisto Matti (Turku FIX) Ilmanen Reijo (Piikkio FIX) Karlsson Markku (Parainen FIX) Laakso Sauli (Masku FIX), Method for on-machine coating-drying of a paper web or the like.
  10. Wimberger Richard J. (DePere WI) Rogne Allan W. (Two Rivers WI), Moveable web slot.
  11. Oechsle Markus (Bartholomae DEX), Single-tier drying section tailored for compensating stretching and shrinking of paper web.
  12. Clark Ralph C. (Ashwaubenon WI), Temperature sensing dryer profile control.
  13. Rogne Allan W. (Two Rivers WI) Theyerl Dennis M. (Whitelaw WI), Web threading system.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (7)

  1. Bannenberg Udo,DEX, Blow box for levitated guidance of a material web.
  2. Paller,Hans, Convection oven and related air flow system.
  3. Henry Lee L., Cross-direction dryer for a machine producing sheet material moving in a machine direction having both gas powered and electric heating portions.
  4. Kramer, Carl, Device for heat treating metallic webs in-line.
  5. Zagar, Steven J., Infrared float bar.
  6. Zagar, Steven J.; Peterson, Les, Infrared float bar.
  7. Zagar, Steven J.; Rocheleau, Michael O.; Peterson, Les, Infrared float bar.

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