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Chemically amplified resist 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • G03F-007/004
출원번호 US-0036995 (1998-03-09)
우선권정보 JP0059150 (1997-03-13)
발명자 / 주소
  • Itani Toshiro,JPX
출원인 / 주소
  • NEC Corporation, JPX
대리인 / 주소
    Hayes, Soloway, Hennessey, Grossman & Hage
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 1  인용 특허 : 9


To provide chemically amplified resist which is excellent in resolution, focusing and size accuracy as well by preventing problem of T-shaped resist pattern and reinforcing exposure dependence of solution speed, a mixture of t-BOC protected polyhydroxystyrene polymers having different molecular weig


[ What is claimed is:] [1.] Chemically amplified resist comprising as its active material:(A) a first polyhydroxystyrene polymer having a t-butoxycarbonyl group and a photoacid generator, said first polyhydroxystyrene polymer having an average molecular weight between 8,000 and 30,000, wherein 25% t

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (9)

  1. Hatakeyama Jun,JPX ; Nagura Shigehiro,JPX ; Motomi Kiyoshi,JPX ; Nagata Takeshi,JPX ; Ishihara Toshinobu,JPX, Chemically amplified positive resist composition.
  2. Urano Fumiyoshi,JPX ; Fujie Hirotoshi,JPX ; Oono Keiji,JPX, Polymer composition and resist material.
  3. Watanabe Osamu,JPX ; Takeda Yoshihumi,JPX ; Tsuchiya Junji,JPX ; Ishihara Toshinobu,JPX, Polymers and chemically amplified positive resist compositions.
  4. Sato Kazufumi,JPX ; Nitta Kazuyuki,JPX ; Yamazaki Akiyoshi,JPX ; Sakai Yoshika,JPX ; Nakayama Toshimasa,JPX, Positive resist composition.
  5. Sato Mitsuru,JPX ; Nitta Kazuyuki,JPX ; Yamazaki Akiyoshi,JPX ; Iguchi Etsuko,JPX ; Sakai Yoshika,JPX ; Sato Kazufumi,JPX ; Nakayama Toshimasa,JPX, Positive resist composition comprising a mixture of two polyhydroxystyrenes having different acid cleavable groups and a.
  6. Sato Kazufumi,JPX ; Nitta Kazuyuki,JPX ; Yamazaki Akiyoshi,JPX ; Sakai Yoshika,JPX ; Nakayama Toshimasa,JPX, Positive-working photoresist composition.
  7. Sato Kazufumi,JPX ; Nitta Kazuyuki,JPX ; Yamazaki Akiyoshi,JPX ; Sakai Yoshika,JPX ; Nakayama Toshimasa,JPX, Positive-working photoresist composition.
  8. Sato Kazufumi,JPX ; Nitta Kazuyuki,JPX ; Yamazaki Akiyoshi,JPX ; Sakai Yoshika,JPX ; Nakayama Toshimasa,JPX, Positive-working photoresist composition and multilayered resist material using the same.
  9. Niki Hirokazu,JPX ; Wakabayashi Hiromitsu,JPX ; Hayase Rumiko,JPX ; Oyasato Naohiko,JPX ; Onishi Yasunobu,JPX ; Sato Kazuo,JPX ; Chiba Kenji,JPX ; Hayashi Takao,JPX, Resist composition for forming a pattern and method of forming a pattern wherein the composition 4-phenylpyridine as an.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (1)

  1. Shimizu, Hiroaki; Takeshita, Masaru, Method for producing resist composition and resist composition.
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