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[미국특허] Digital dual-loop DLL design using coarse and fine loops 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H03D-003/24
출원번호 US-0585035 (2000-06-01)
발명자 / 주소
  • R. Jacob Baker
  • Feng Lin
출원인 / 주소
  • Micron Technology, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Schwegman, Lundberg, Woessner & Kluth P.A.
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 75  인용 특허 : 8


A dual-loop digital delay locked loop (DLL) is provided. The DLL includes a coarse loop to produce a first delayed signal and provides a wide frequency lock range. The DLL further includes a fine loop connected to the coarse loop to produce a second delayed signal and provides a tight locking. This


1. A delay locked loop system comprising:a coarse loop to produce a first delayed signal, the coarse loop including a delay range and including: a phase detector; a shift register connected to the phase detector, the shift register including a plurality of register cells; a delay line including a pl

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (8)

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  2. Saitoh Tetsuo (Kanagawa JPX) Matsuo Syuji (Kanagawa JPX) Taniyoshi Itsurou (Kanagawa JPX) Kitamura Koichi (Kanagawa JPX), Digital phase locked loop having coarse and fine stepsize variable delay lines.
  3. Andresen Bernhard H. (Dallas TX) Casasanta Joseph A. (Allen TX) Keeney Stanley C. (Dallas TX) Martin Robert C. (Dallas TX) Satoh Yoshinori (Plano TX), High performance digital phase locked loop.
  4. Kondo Takako,JPX, Internal clock generator that minimizes the phase difference between an external clock signal and an internal clock signal.
  5. Keeth Brent ; Manning Troy A., Method and apparatus for adjusting the timing of signals over fine and coarse ranges.
  6. Jefferson David E. ; Cope L. Todd,MYX ; Reddy Srinivas ; Cliff Richard G., Programmable logic integrated circuit with on-chip DLL or PLL for clock distribution.
  7. Jefferson David E. ; Cope L. Todd,MYX ; Reddy Srinivas ; Cliff Richard G., System for distributing clocks using a delay lock loop in a programmable logic circuit.
  8. Eto Satoshi,JPX ; Taguchi Masao,JPX ; Matsumiya Masato,JPX ; Nakamura Toshikazu,JPX ; Takita Masato,JPX ; Higashiho Mitsuhiro,JPX ; Koga Toru,JPX ; Kano Hideki,JPX ; Kitamoto Ayako,JPX ; Kawabata Kun, Variable delay circuit and semiconductor integrated circuit device.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (75)

  1. Lin,Feng; Johnson,J. Brian, Apparatus for improving stability and lock time for synchronous circuits.
  2. Gomm, Tyler J.; Van De Graaff, Scott D., Apparatuses and methods for controlling delay circuits during an idle state to reduce degradation of an electrical characteristic.
  3. Lin, Feng, Capture clock generator using master and slave delay locked loops.
  4. Lee, Seong-Hoon, Clock generating circuit with multiple modes of operation.
  5. Lee,Seong Hoon, Clock generating circuit with multiple modes of operation.
  6. Lee,Seong Hoon, Clock generating circuit with multiple modes of operation.
  7. Gomm, Tyler J., Clock synchronizing apparatus and method using frequency dependent variable delay.
  8. Suzuki, Misao, DLL circuit capable of preventing malfunctioning causing locking in an antiphase state.
  9. Sekiguchi, Yuji; Miki, Yoichiro, Data latch timing adjustment apparatus.
  10. Gomm, Tyler J.; Bell, Debra, Delay line off-state control with power reduction.
  11. Gomm, Tyler J.; Bell, Debra, Delay line off-state control with power reduction.
  12. Gomm, Tyler J.; Bell, Debra, Delay line off-state control with power reduction.
  13. Gomm, Tyler J.; Bell, Debra, Delay line off-state control with power reduction.
  14. Bae, Seung-Jun, Delay locked loop circuit, semiconductor device having the same and method of controlling the same.
  15. Kwak, Jong-Tae; Lee, Seong-Hoon, Delay locked loop device.
  16. Bell,Debra M., Delay locked loop fine tune.
  17. Kim, Kang Yong; Choi, Dong Myung, Delay stage-interweaved analog DLL/PLL.
  18. Kim,Kang Yong; Choi,Dong Myung, Delay stage-interweaved analog DLL/PLL.
  19. Gomm, Tyler J.; Alejano, Frank; Kirsch, Howard C., Delay-locked loop circuit and method using a ring oscillator and counter-based delay.
  20. Gomm, Tyler J.; Alejano, Frank; Kirsch, Howard C., Delay-locked loop circuit and method using a ring oscillator and counter-based delay.
  21. Johnson,Gary M, Delay-locked loop with feedback compensation.
  22. Rajashekhar,Rao; Minzoni,Alessandro; Saglam,Musa, Device for utilization with the synchronization of clock signals, and clock signal synchronizing method.
  23. Baker, R. Jacob; Lin, Feng, Digital dual-loop DLL design using coarse and fine loops.
  24. Fu,Wei; Balardeta,Joseph J., Distributed clock network using all-digital master-slave delay lock loops.
  25. Drexler, Adrian J., Dual-phase delay-locked loop circuit and method.
  26. Drexler, Adrian J., Dual-phase delay-locked loop circuit and method.
  27. Alexander, George W., Dynamic delay line control.
  28. Yoshizawa, Yoshiharu; Maeda, Masazumi, Electronic device and information processing apparatus.
  29. Gomm,Tyler; Johnson,Gary, Graduated delay line for increased clock skew correction circuit operating range.
  30. Chung,Tae Song; Hao,Hong; Hui,Keven, High speed fully scaleable, programmable and linear digital delay circuit.
  31. Tabatabaei, Sassan; Zorian, Yervant, Input-output device testing.
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  33. Tabatabaei, Sassan, Input-output device testing including embedded tests.
  34. Tabatabaei, Sassan, Input-output device testing including initializing and leakage testing input-output devices.
  35. Tabatabaei, Sassan, Input-output device testing including voltage tests.
  36. Lin, Feng, Interleaved delay line for phase locked and delay locked loops.
  37. Kim, Kang Yong, Method and apparatus for digital phase generation at high frequencies.
  38. Kim,Kang Yong, Method and apparatus for digital phase generation at high frequencies.
  39. Kim,Kang Yong, Method and apparatus for digital phase generation at high frequencies.
  40. Johnson, Gary M., Method and apparatus for digital phase generation for high frequency clock applications.
  41. Johnson,Gary M., Method and apparatus for digital phase generation for high frequency clock applications.
  42. Lin, Feng; Johnson, J. Brian, Method and apparatus for improving stability and lock time for synchronous circuits.
  43. Ma, Yantao, Method and apparatus for output data synchronization with system clock.
  44. Ma, Yantao, Method and apparatus for output data synchronization with system clock.
  45. Lai, Yhean Sen; Malkemes, Robert Conrad, Method and apparatus for providing synchronization in a communication system.
  46. Ma, Yantao, Method and apparatus for reducing oscillation in synchronous circuits.
  47. Ma, Yantao, Method and apparatus for reducing oscillation in synchronous circuits.
  48. Ma, Yantao, Method and apparatus for reducing oscillation in synchronous circuits.
  49. Ma,Yantao, Method and apparatus for reducing oscillation in synchronous circuits.
  50. Gomm, Tyler; Johnson, Gary, Method and apparatus for synchronizing with a clock signal.
  51. Lin,Feng, Method and apparatus to set a tuning range for an analog delay.
  52. Lin,Feng, Method and apparatus to set a tuning range for an analog delay.
  53. Sarkkinen, Timo, Method and arrangement for channel simulation.
  54. Lin, Feng; Keeth, Brent; Johnson, Brian, Method and system for delay control in synchronization circuits.
  55. Lin, Feng; Johnson, J. Brian, Method for improving stability and lock time for synchronous circuits.
  56. Lin,Feng; Johnson,J. Brian, Method for improving stability and lock time for synchronous circuits.
  57. Gomm, Tyler J.; Dirkes, Travis E.; Dermott, Ross E.; Loughmiller, Daniel R.; Smith, Scott E., Method for noise and power reduction for digital delay lines.
  58. Gomm, Tyler; Johnson, Gary, Methods and apparatus for synchronizing with a clock signal.
  59. Gomm, Tyler J.; Satoh, Yasuo, Methods and apparatuses for duty cycle preservation.
  60. Tabatabaei, Sassan; Zorian, Yervant, Methods and apparatuses for external delay test of input-output circuits.
  61. Tabatabaei, Sassan; Zorian, Yervant, Methods and apparatuses for external test methodology and initialization of input-output circuits.
  62. Tabatabaei, Sassan; Zorian, Yervant, Methods and apparatuses for external voltage test methodology of input-output circuits.
  63. Tabatabaei, Sassan; Zorian, Yervant, Methods and apparatuses for external voltage test of input-output circuits.
  64. Tabatabaei, Sassan, Methods and apparatuses for test methodology of input-output circuits.
  65. Lin, Feng; Baker, R. Jacob, Phase splitter using digital delay locked loops.
  66. Lin, Feng; Baker, R. Jacob, Phase splitter using digital delay locked loops.
  67. Lin, Feng; Baker, R. Jacob, Phase splitter using digital delay locked loops.
  68. Gomm, Tyler J.; Dirkes, Travis E.; Dermott, Ross E.; Loughmiller, Daniel R.; Smith, Scott E., Power reduction for delay locked loop circuits.
  69. Tabatabaei, Sassan, Programmable strobe and clock generator.
  70. Shivaram, Krishna; Vandel, Eric, Semiconductor device and method for accurate clock domain synchronization over a wide frequency range.
  71. Johnson, Gary M., Switched capacitor for a tunable delay circuit.
  72. Kim, Kang Yong; Johnson, Gary, System and method for comparison and compensation of delay variations between fine delay and coarse delay circuits.
  73. Kim,Kang Yong; Johnson,Gary, System and method for comparison and compensation of delay variations between fine delay and coarse delay circuits.
  74. Lin, Feng, System and method of operation of DLL and PLL to provide tight locking with large range, and dynamic tracking of PVT variations using interleaved delay lines.
  75. Lin, Feng, System and method to provide tight locking for DLL and PLL with large range, and dynamic tracking of PVT variations using interleaved delay lines.

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