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Process for making a MIM capacitor 원문보기

국가/구분 United States(US) Patent 등록
  • H01L-021/8242
  • H01L-021/20
출원번호 US-0942208 (2001-08-29)
발명자 / 주소
  • Douglas R. Roberts
  • Eric Luckowski
출원인 / 주소
  • Motorola, Inc.
대리인 / 주소
    Kim-Marie Vo
인용정보 피인용 횟수 : 131  인용 특허 : 10


A process for forming a metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitor structure includes forming a recess in the dielectric layer (20) of a semiconductor substrate (10). A first capacitor electrode (30, 40) is formed in the recess having a copper first metal layer (30) with a conductive oxidation barrier (4


1. A process for forming a metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitor structure comprising:providing a semiconductor substrate; forming a dielectric layer over the semiconductor substrate; forming a recess in the dielectric layer; forming a first metal layer in the recess, the first metal layer comprisin

이 특허에 인용된 특허 (10)

  1. Ma Ssu-Pin,TWX ; Chen Chun-Hon,TWX ; Yeh Ta-Hsun,TWX ; Peng Kuo-Reay,TWX ; Hsu Heng-Ming,TWX ; Thei Kong-Beng,TWX ; Chou Chi-Wu,TWX ; Ho Yen-Shih,TWX, Copper process compatible CMOS metal-insulator-metal capacitor structure and its process flow.
  2. Chen Sheng-Hsiung,TWX, Fabrication process for metal-insulator-metal capacitor with low gate resistance.
  3. Perng Dung-Ching ; Liu Yauh-Ching, Formation of novel DRAM cell capacitors by integration of capacitors with isolation trench sidewalls.
  4. Gambino Jeffrey P. ; Jaso Mark A. ; Kotecki David E., Integrated circuit having a via and a capacitor.
  5. White ; Jr. Bruce E. ; Jones ; Jr. Robert Edwin, Method for forming a capacitor electrode.
  6. Melnick Bradley M. ; White ; Jr. Bruce E. ; Roberts Douglas R. ; Jiang Bo, Method for forming a capacitor structure.
  7. White ; Jr. Bruce E. ; Jones ; Jr. Robert Edwin, Method for forming semiconductor device including a dual inlaid structure.
  8. Lou Chine-Gie,TWX, Method for manufacturing stacked capacitor.
  9. Agnello Paul D. ; Buchwalter Leena P. ; Hummel John ; Luther Barbara ; Stamper Anthony K., Plasma treatment to enhance inorganic dielectric adhesion to copper.
  10. Matsuo Mie,JPX ; Okano Haruo,JPX ; Hayasaka Nobuo,JPX ; Suguro Kyoichi,JPX ; Miyajima Hideshi,JPX ; Wada Jun-ichi,JPX, Semiconductor device having a metal film formed in a groove in an insulating film.

이 특허를 인용한 특허 (131)

  1. Yang, Chih-Chao; Chen, Fen; Li, Baozhen, 3D via capacitor with a floating conductive plate for improved reliability.
  2. Yang, Chih-Chao; Chen, Fen; Li, Baozhen, 3D via capacitor with a floating conductive plate for improved reliability.
  3. Yang, Chih-Chao; Chen, Fen; Li, Baozhen, 3D via capacitor with a floating conductive plate for improved reliability.
  4. Koyanagi,Kenichi; Sakuma,Hiroshi, ALD process for capacitor dielectric.
  5. Yang, Chih-Chao, Advanced metal insulator metal capacitor.
  6. Yang, Chih-Chao, Advanced metal insulator metal capacitor.
  7. Yang, Chih-Chao, Advanced metal insulator metal capacitor.
  8. Edelstein, Daniel C.; Stamper, Anthony K., Altering capacitance of MIM capacitor having reactive layer therein.
  9. Chen, Po-Hua; Cheng, Hsueh-Chen; Hsu, Wen-Hong; Liow, Yu-Yee, Asynchronous successive approximation register analog-to-digital converter and operating method thereof.
  10. Ahn,Kie Y.; Forbes,Leonard, Atomic layer deposited ZrTiOfilms.
  11. Ahn, Kie Y.; Forbes, Leonard, Atomic layer deposited barium strontium titanium oxide films.
  12. Ahn,Kie Y.; Forbes,Leonard, Atomic layer deposited dielectric layers.
  13. Derderian, Garo J.; Sandhu, Gurtej Singh, Atomic layer deposition and conversion.
  14. Derderian, Garo J.; Sandhu, Gurtej Singh, Atomic layer deposition and conversion.
  15. Ahn,Kie Y.; Forbes,Leonard, Atomic layer-deposited hafnium aluminum oxide.
  16. Cho, Jin-Youn; Kang, Young-Soo; Kim, Jong-Il; Koo, Sang-Geun, Capacitor and method for fabricating the same.
  17. Cho, Jin-Youn; Kang, Young-Soo; Kim, Jong-Il; Koo, Sang-Geun, Capacitor and method for fabricating the same.
  18. Basceri,Cem; Gealy,F. Daniel; Sandhu,Gurtej S., Capacitor constructions.
  19. Forbes,Leonard; Ahn,Kie Y.; Eldridge,Jerome Michael, Capacitor structures.
  20. Chen, Chien-Liang; Mou, Ya-Nan; Chen, Yuan-Hui; Chang, Yu-Jen, Charge pump circuit with low clock feed-through.
  21. Chen, Chien-Liang, Charge pump system capable of stabilizing an output voltage.
  22. Tso, Ching-Yu, Circuit structure of test-key and test method thereof.
  23. Basceri,Cem; Gealy,F. Daniel; Sandhu,Gurtej S., DRAM constructions and electronic systems.
  24. Sandhu, Gurtej S.; Durcan, D. Mark, Devices with nanocrystals and methods of formation.
  25. Sandhu, Gurtej S.; Durcan, D. Mark, Devices with nanocrystals and methods of formation.
  26. Cheng, Hsueh-Chen; Hsu, Wen-Hong; Chen, Po-Hua; Liow, Yu-Yee, Digital-to-analog converter with greater output resistance.
  27. Yamazaki, Shunpei; Kuwabara, Hideaki; Maekawa, Shinji; Fujii, Gen; Isa, Toshiyuki, Display device, method for manufacturing the same, and television apparatus.
  28. Chung, Kisup; Estrada-Raygoza, Isabel C.; Jagannathan, Hemanth; Liu, Chi-Chun; Mignot, Yann A. M.; Tang, Hao, Efficient metal-insulator-metal capacitor.
  29. Chung, Kisup; Estrada-Raygoza, Isabel C.; Jagannathan, Hemanth; Liu, Chi-Chun; Mignot, Yann A. M.; Tang, Hao, Efficient metal-insulator-metal capacitor fabrication.
  30. Drab, John J.; Dougherty, Thomas K.; Kehle, Kathleen A., Electrode for thin film capacitor devices.
  31. Drab,John J.; Dougherty,Thomas K.; Kehle,Kathleen A., Electrode for thin film capacitor devices.
  32. Ahn,Kie Y.; Forbes,Leonard, Electronic apparatus with deposited dielectric layers.
  33. Ahn, Kie Y.; Forbes, Leonard, Electronic devices including barium strontium titanium oxide films.
  34. Ahn, Kie Y.; Forbes, Leonard, Electronic devices including barium strontium titanium oxide films.
  35. Ahn, Kiey Y.; Forbes, Leonard, Evaporated LaA1O3 films for gate dielectrics.
  36. Coolbaugh,Douglas D.; Eshun,Ebenezer E.; Feilchenfeld,Natalie B.; Gautsch,Michael L.; He,Zhong Xiang; Moon,Matthew D.; Ramachandran,Vidhya; Waterhouse,Barbara, Formation of metal-insulator-metal capacitor simultaneously with aluminum metal wiring level using a hardmask.
  37. Coolbaugh,Douglas D.; Eshun,Ebenezer E.; Feilchenfeld,Natalie B.; Gautsch,Michael L.; He,Zhong Xiang; Moon,Matthew D.; Ramachandran,Vidhya; Waterhouse,Barbara, Formation of metal-insulator-metal capacitor simultaneously with aluminum metal wiring level using a hardmask.
  38. Johnston, Steven W.; Dubin, Valery M.; McSwiney, Michael L.; Moon, Peter, Forming a copper diffusion barrier.
  39. Johnston,Steven W.; Dubin,Valery M.; McSwiney,Michael L.; Moon,Peter, Forming a copper diffusion barrier.
  40. Murray, Conal E.; Yang, Chih-Chao, Forming a stacked capacitor.
  41. Murray, Conal E.; Yang, Chih-Chao, Forming a stacked capacitor.
  42. Gealy, Dan; Bhat, Vishwanath; Srividya, Cancheepuram V.; Rocklein, M. Noel, Graded dielectric layers.
  43. Gealy, Dan; Bhat, Vishwanath; Srividya, Cancheepuram V.; Rocklein, M. Noel, Graded dielectric structures.
  44. Gealy, F. Daniel; Bhat, Vishwanath; Srividya, Cancheepuram V.; Rocklein, M. Noel, Graded dielectric structures.
  45. Ahn, Kie Y.; Forbes, Leonard, HfAlOfilms for gate dielectrics.
  46. Lee, Ki Young; Bae, Sanggil; Joung, Tony, High density serial capacitor device and methods of making such a capacitor device.
  47. Ahn, Kie Y.; Forbes, Leonard, High-K gate dielectric oxide.
  48. Yang, Chih-Chao, High-K metal-insulator-metal capacitor and method of manufacturing the same.
  49. Yang, Chih-Chao, High-K metal-insulator-metal capacitor and method of manufacturing the same.
  50. Ahn, Kie Y.; Forbes, Leonard, High-quality praseodymium gate dielectrics.
  51. Ahn, Kie Y.; Forbes, Leonard, Highly reliable amorphous high-K gate oxide ZrO2.
  52. Ahn,Kie Y.; Forbes,Leonard, Highly reliable amorphous high-k gate dielectric ZrON.
  53. Ahn,Kie Y.; Forbes,Leonard, Highly reliable amorphous high-k gate oxide ZrO2.
  54. Yang, Chih-Chao; Li, Juntao; Yin, Yunpeng, Horizontal metal-insulator-metal capacitor.
  55. Won, Seok-Jun; Park, Young-Wook, Integrated circuit devices including a resistor pattern and methods for manufacturing the same.
  56. Lee, Ki Young; Bae, Sanggil; Joung, Tony, Integrated circuits with capacitors and methods of producing the same.
  57. Lee, Ki Young; Joung, Tony; Bae, Sanggil, Integrated circuits with capacitors and methods of producing the same.
  58. Witcraft,William F.; Amundson,Mark D., Integrated set/reset driver and magneto-resistive sensor.
  59. Witcraft,William F.; Amundson,Mark D., Integrated set/reset driver and magneto-resistive sensor.
  60. Basker, Veeraraghavan S.; Cheng, Kangguo; Standaert, Theodorus E.; Wang, Junli, Integrating metal-insulator-metal capacitors with air gap process flow.
  61. Li, Baozhen; Yang, Chih-Chao; Wong, Keith Kwong Hon, Interconnect structure with capacitor element and related methods.
  62. Dalton, Timothy J.; Eshun, Ebenezer E.; Grunow, Sarah L.; He, Zhong-Xiang; Stamper, Anthony K., Interconnect structures and design structures for a radiofrequency integrated circuit.
  63. Dalton, Timothy J.; Eshun, Ebenezer E.; Grunow, Sarah L.; He, Zhong-Xiang; Stamper, Anthony K., Interconnect structures, methods for fabricating interconnect structures, and design structures for a radiofrequency integrated circuit.
  64. Ahn,Kie Y.; Forbes,Leonard, Lanthanide doped TiOdielectric films.
  65. Ahn,Kie Y.; Forbes,Leonard, Low-temperature growth high-quality ultra-thin praseodymium gate dieletrics.
  66. Yang, Chih-Chao; Clevenger, Lawrence A.; Dalton, Timothy J.; Hsu, Louis C., MIM capacitor and method of fabricating same.
  67. Yang,Chih Chao; Clevenger,Lawrence A.; Dalton,Timothy J.; Hsu,Louis C., MIM capacitor and method of fabricating same.
  68. Chen, Shi-Wen; Shuai, Chi-Chang; Tsai, Chung-Cheng; Mou, Ya-Nan, Memory and operation method thereof.
  69. Chen, Hsin-Wen; Shuai, Chi-Chang; Lin, Shih-Chin, Memory cell and memory cell array using the same.
  70. Chen, Hsin-Wen, Memory cell array operated with multiple operation voltage.
  71. Chen, Hsin-Wen, Memory device and driving method thereof.
  72. Chen, Hsin-Wen, Memory device and method for driving memory array thereof.
  73. Chen, Shi-Wen; Lu, Hsin-Pang; Tsai, Chung-Cheng; Mou, Ya-Nan, Memory for a voltage regulator circuit.
  74. Forbes, Leonard; Ahn, Kie Y., Memory utilizing oxide nanolaminates.
  75. Forbes, Leonard; Ahn, Kie Y., Memory utilizing oxide nanolaminates.
  76. Chen, Shi-Wen; Lu, Hsin-Pang; Tsai, Chung-Cheng; Mou, Ya-Nan, Memory, supply voltage generation circuit, and operation method of a supply voltage generation circuit used for a memory array.
  77. Olewine, Michael; Saiz, Kevin, Metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitor structure and methods of fabricating same.
  78. Cheng, Xu; Roggenbauer, Todd C.; Zuo, Jiang-Kai, Metal-insulator-metal capacitor.
  79. Park,Sang Hoon, Metal-insulator-metal capacitor and method for manufacturing the same.
  80. Park,Sang Hoon, Metal-insulator-metal capacitor and method for manufacturing the same.
  81. Coolbaugh, Douglas D.; Eshun, Ebenezer E.; Gambino, Jeffrey P.; He, Zhong-Xiang; Ramachandran, Vidhya, Metal-insulator-metal capacitor and method of fabrication.
  82. Lee, Chiu-Te, Metal-insulator-metal capacitor structure.
  83. Witcraft,William F.; Wan,Hong; Yue,Cheisan J.; Bratland,Tamara K., Method and apparatus for an integrated GPS receiver and electronic compassing sensor device.
  84. Witcraft,William F.; Wan,Hong; Yue,Chesian J.; Bratland,Tamara K., Method and apparatus for an integrated GPS receiver and electronic compassing sensor device.
  85. Chen, Hsi-Wen, Method and circuit for optimizing bit line power consumption.
  86. Chen, Shi-Wen; Lin, Yung-Hsiang, Method and device for pulse width estimation.
  87. Pelella,Mario M., Method for fabricating a semiconductor component including a high capacitance per unit area capacitor.
  88. Kim,Jung Joo, Method for fabricating semiconductor device.
  89. Chen, Chun-Hong; Tsai, Minghsing, Method for forming MIM capacitor in a copper damascene interconnect.
  90. Park, Dong-su; Kim, Hyung Kyun, Method for forming a tantalum oxide capacitor.
  91. Son, Hong-Seong; Hah, Sang-Rok; Koo, Ja-Eung, Method of fabricating a metal-insulator-metal capacitor.
  92. Kim,Jung Joo, Method of fabricating semiconductor device.
  93. Yang,Chih Chao; Dalton,Timothy; Clevenger,Lawrence; Matusiewicz,Gerald, Method of forming a MIM capacitor for Cu BEOL application.
  94. Ahn, Kie Y.; Forbes, Leonard, Method of forming apparatus having oxide films formed using atomic layer deposition.
  95. Huang, Chi-Feng; Chen, Chun-Hon; Wong, Shy-Chy; Lin, Chih Hsien, Method to fabricate high reliable metal capacitor within copper back-end process.
  96. Huang,Chi Feng; Chen,Chun Hon; Wong,Shy Chy; Lin,Chih Hsien, Method to fabricate high reliable metal capacitor within copper back-end process.
  97. Ahn, Kie Y.; Forbes, Leonard, Methods for atomic-layer deposition.
  98. Ahn,Kie Y.; Forbes,Leonard, Methods for atomic-layer deposition of aluminum oxides in integrated circuits.
  99. Yang, Chih-Chao, Methods for fabricating metal-insulator-metal capacitors.
  100. Kim,Jung Joo, Methods of fabricating via hole and trench.
  101. Ahn, Kie Y.; Forbes, Leonard, Methods of forming an insulating metal oxide.
  102. Forbes,Leonard; Ahn,Kie Y.; Eldridge,Jerome Michael, Methods of forming capacitor structures.
  103. Won, Seok jun, Multiple metal-insulator-metal capacitors and method of fabricating the same.
  104. Cheng, Kangguo; Xu, Peng, On-chip MIM capacitor.
  105. Cheng, Kangguo; Xu, Peng, On-chip MIM capacitor.
  106. Cheng, Kangguo; Xu, Peng, On-chip MIM capacitor.
  107. Chen, Shi-Wen; Lu, Hsin-Pang; Tsai, Chung-Cheng; Mou, Ya-Nan, Operation method of a supply voltage generation circuit used for a memory array.
  108. Helneder, Johann; Schwerd, Markus; Goebel, Thomas; Mitchell, Andrea; Koerner, Heinrich; Hommel, Martina, Process for producing a multifunctional dielectric layer on a substrate.
  109. Chen, Hsi-Wen, Process monitoring circuit and method.
  110. Chen, Chien-Liang, Ring oscillator.
  111. Yoon, Hyungsuk Alexander; Yang, Michael X.; Zhang, Hui; Hong, Soonil; Xi, Ming, Selective deposition of a barrier layer on a metal film.
  112. Witcraft,William F.; Berg,Lonny L.; Amundson,Mark D., Semiconductor device and magneto-resistive sensor integration.
  113. Witcraft,William F.; Berg,Lonny L.; Amundson,Mark D., Semiconductor device and magneto-resistive sensor integration.
  114. Kume, Ippei; Inoue, Naoya; Hayashi, Yoshihiro, Semiconductor device comprising capacitive element.
  115. Kume, Ippei; Inoue, Naoya; Hayashi, Yoshihiro, Semiconductor device comprising capacitive element.
  116. Park, Seung Han; Lee, Ki Young, Semiconductor device having fuse and capacitor at the same level and method of fabricating the same.
  117. Park,Seung Han; Lee,Ki Young, Semiconductor device having fuse and capacitor at the same level and method of fabricating the same.
  118. Ajuria, Sergio A.; Nyugen, Phuc M.; Reber, Douglas M., Semiconductor package with embedded capacitor and methods of manufacturing same.
  119. Chen, Shi-Wen, Sense amplifier and method for determining values of voltages on bit-line pair.
  120. Chen, Shi-Wen, Sense-amplifier circuit of memory and calibrating method thereof.
  121. Lee, Ki Young; Cho, Woong Lae; Joung, Jae Ho, Serial capacitor device with middle electrode contact.
  122. Lee, Ki Young; Cho, Woong Lae; Joung, Jae Ho, Serial capacitor device with middle electrode contact and methods of making same.
  123. Witcraft,William F.; Kriz,Jeffrey J., Single chip MR sensor integrated with an RF transceiver.
  124. Olgado, Donald J. K.; Tepman, Avi; Lubomirsky, Dmitry; Webb, Timothy R., System for planarizing metal conductive layers.
  125. Ahn, Kie Y.; Forbes, Leonard, Titanium aluminum oxide films.
  126. Biery, Glenn A.; Chen, Zheng G.; Dalton, Timothy J.; Lustig, Naftali E., Two-mask process for metal-insulator-metal capacitors and single mask process for thin film resistors.
  127. Kammler, Thorsten; Richter, Ralf; Lenski, Markus; Grasshoff, Gunter, Using high-k dielectrics as highly selective etch stop materials in semiconductor devices.
  128. Chen, Po-Hua; Liow, Yu-Yee; Hsu, Wen-Hong; Cheng, Hsueh-Chen, VCO restart up circuit and method thereof.
  129. Yang, Chih-Chao, Vertical MIM capacitor.
  130. Chen, Shi-Wen, Voltage regulating circuit configured to have output voltage thereof modulated digitally.
  131. Ahn, Kie Y.; Forbes, Leonard, Zirconium titanium oxide films.
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